Letting The Flow Move You

You know the way that you feel when you a swept away by a force of positivity that just seems to inspire and move you forward? It’s almost like there is no effort, just choice. That is how you know you have entered the flow.

So, how do you connect with this great force of good called The Flow? Well, I will tell you the easiest way is to get clear on what you want. Although it may change from time to time, develop a clear picture of what you would like to have. Then, feel to the positive emotion of having what you want.

When you feel good, you become like a magnet for good things to happen.. Like attracts like, so if you are feeling good, good things will come to you!

Here’s the steps:

1. Decide what you want, truthfully without hesitation or fear. I challenge you to really get honest with yourself and show up authentically. Allow yourself to form a visual image of what you want.

2. Notice how you feel when you think about what you want. If it feels good, claim that vision as yours.
If your vision does not bring you a positive feeling then let that particular picture go! We are only working with what you want to create here!

3. Now, keep focusing on this vision of yours until it becomes real in your mind and you can actually believe that it will happen. Feel it in your core, your gut/intuition. Feel it in your heart and think about it. If any part of you feels in conflict, ask yourself why and then wait until you feel right to move forward in thought, feeling and action.

4. As you look at your vision, imagine yourself living it. What are you thinking, feeling, seeing, etc. From the future moment, looking back to the present, what are the 3 things you did or allowed to have happen?

Write it down.

My 3 steps were:

5. Now, remember a time when you did trust and believe in yourself for something that you really wanted. Take that same feeling you felt back then and bring it into this moment. You can feel the same way now as you did back then! Anchor that feeling by touching your heart for three seconds.

6. Finally, open your arms to receive!

I was just talking with a client yesterday who said since she has been working with me on the Miracle of U coaching program, things have been flowing to her effortlessly. She said she has been opening her arms to receive and really great things are happening for her!

After I talked with her I realized the formula for success!!!!

Feel free to contact me and I would be happy to share my secret!

With joy,


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