REPLAY- WOW, Stepping Into Your Greatness LIVE SHOW Recording!

Abby's Picture Smiling Sun River

Life Force Connection

Discover. Purpose. Success.

Learn how to break free from the 3-main human conditions that keep people from stepping into their greatness… Discover your inner ability to connect with a source of power, strength and freedom that comes from listening to your intuition and living your deepest truth.

Discover what it means for you to step into your greatness and how easy it can be to apply what you KNOW to what you LIVE!

Thrive Talk Radio Presents…
Stepping Into Your Greatness

We would love to hear from you and look forward to support your on your intuitive path and inner discoveries.

Much love,

Abby & Ann (




A New Phase of Light!

Rise Into The Consciousness That We Are…

I am you, you are me.
We are all of the light, we are all one. Come home to the place you will always remember and know, your soul is who you are. Feel it, know it and love it, for as you do my light expands and extends to yours. I love you.

The Intuitive Connection
Discover Your Inner Teacher

Sliding Down the Tunnel of Love…

With Complete Acceptance and Unconditional Love…

Pure love casts out fear,
Complete acceptance dissolves judgment, joy is the call back home to who we really are.

Love paves the way for our feet to follow as the darkness parts revealing our way.

Rise with the light!

Forgive and LET Go!

Let go of EVERYTHING that is not love, loving or to be loved! This means anything vibrating lower than love is simply not necessary. This includes control, manipulation, fear, doubt, hate, judgment, trapped, perceived lack, guilt, separation (from others, life in general).

If you feel any of these emotions just ask yourself why and then let them go!

You know you are in alignment with your soul when:

You feel love, loved, joyful, open, balanced, maybe even blissful, grateful, content, kind, generous, and well trusting all of in your life- freedom, complete acceptance of life.

Life is holding you in love.
You are love.
As you discover your soul, you will experience this love as your life.

Let your intuition be that of love. Build of that and your soul will fly!

Trust your intuition, move forward with love and know your SOUL is always supported even if your ego is not! Your intuition will always be the guidance in alignment with your soul and it will feel good! Trust it and jump into spirit!

Imagine that you are standing on the edge of a cliff. You have two options, either you will fly or you will fall. There are a few key ingredients to fly, that will need to be added to your recipe if they are not already!

The first key is trust, you must know that once you take the leap, you will be okay, that the universe is the wind beneath your wings and supports you in love.

The second is faith, faith that you can fly! That no matter how many times you try, you succeed each time you spread your wings.

The third is courage, courage to take that giant leap in front of you without knowing what is there and how you will ever get where you are going! Take comfort in this, your soul always knows and is constantly leading you to this same cliff edge until you leap forward with faith and trust into the air and allow your soul to lead you safety home. Love is where we start and where we end up, so when contemplating your dreams, ask which way is up?

How can I fly through this experience instead of fall down?

What do I need to let go of to become lighter so I fly easier?

How do I know who I am?

Go within and you will find God.

Your dreams are usually the natural extension of your heart’s expression, they are vital to your life force and keeping your dreams alive keeps your soul alive. It reminds us, there is always a greater expression, a higher realm of infinite love available to us that can fuel our purpose on the planet. It all starts with the love in your heart.

Your soul purpose on the other hand is the reason you have a dream, to make a deeper commitment to serve and to share your contribution with the world. You have heard it, “only you can fulfill it!”

Awakening The Dream

There are three phases to awaken the dream.

1. Realize your are not your ego, you are not separate from the whole, therefore you are not alone. You are not anything external to you, your home, where you live, who you love, or even what you were. You are simple a divine expression of God- an Intuitive Spark!

2. As you lift the veil of your ego separating you from all that is, you will discover you are in fact THE WHOLE, you are a part of the Life Force energy that naturally moves and evolves life to the next level of creation. Old paradigms and programs may be revealed, making space for the new to take shape and form a new miracle.

3. Dream a new dream. Continue to open the space within you and your entire being for spirit to flow. You can do this by balancing your chakras, meditating, doing Yoga or even just connecting with the natural world. Be still and discover your new dream in co-creation with Spirit.

Following Your Intuition

What I know for sure is your gut is your deepest connection to your soul and the truth that will set you free! The happiness that comes from living on purpose is a direct reflection of your connection to your intuition, your inner truth.

I remember as a child people would often tell me things that didn’t feel true, or I would walk into a room and get an uneasy feeling about who or what was there. I wasn’t really sure what do to with this feeling in my gut, but I grew to understand it is my inner guidance. This knowing has allowed me to surpass what my mind thought I needed to do or be and to instead delve deeply into my heart. I knew the love within my heart was the key to my personal happiness and would also help unlock the door for many others.

My wish for you is that you take the time to consult with your heart, see what wisdom it has to share with you. Maybe you have been afraid to listen to your heart until now, fearful that it might tell you something you already know but never followed, or maybe you have felt that passion but never seen a way to make it happen for yourself…

There is way and it is within you. It is simply a matter of tapping into what you know and taking aligned and inspired action with your goals and highest aspirations for yourself.

At times it can feel very overwhelming, part of you wants to experience what is inside your heart, another part just feels it’s not possible. The way I like to handle overwhelm is to simply go to my knowing and tap into my own inner wisdom.

The key to success is not just to know, but in the action. Until you take a step forward to test your results, you will never know what might have been. Until you follow your heart’s desire and commit to yourself, you will never know… It takes courage and strength to move forward even when you don’t see immediate results (and often they are fast and quick), but the real test of your faith is in the trust of your inner guidance, your knowing to see you through to your ultimate success. Yes it takes practice, by step by step you will see your dreams coming into reality. In actuality they are waiting for you!

Living Your Purpose

Your primary purpose, as for as all is to love and be loved. From this foundation safety is created for our soul’s to breathe, speak and share the essence of who we are.

Who are you?