Trusting Takes Faith, Yet You Don’t Need Faith When You “See”

Last December although many of you may not know, my sweet beloved father transitioned to the other side. Being daddy’s girl and always knowing he had my back, I couldn’t imagine life without him. Yet those we love always walk with us and somehow he knew that I would be okay because I had a good man in my life.

At his Celebration of Life funeral I psychically saw an image of Dan’s hand reaching out to me. My dad wanted me to know I wasn’t alone, that I had Dan.

Just yesterday Dan and I took this picture together and I realized it was the same image of what I saw psychically and it had manifested into form in this beautiful picture and relationship.

My dad, Don Gooch is now an angel that walks beside me, and although I don’t get to give him a big belly hug now, I can feel his soul nudge up next to mine.

I’m so grateful for his loving support, integrity and the legacy of care of others he left to me as his daughter. His presence is still here rippling it’s love!

As I embark on this new phase of my life with Dan, I feel so blessed and honored to travel with great men and women. I know we are not alone and truly designed to be together. Honestly, I believe every human being is meant to be together and in harmony, meaning that each person can find their man and woman partnership because we were designed to bring the two energies of masculine and feminine together, and to procreate with great love!

As for me, I choose that AND healing all the children, men, women and children with my love and intuitive teachings because I know this wisdom of love lives in all beings.

So, what gives us the grace and courage to follow our intuitions? To take the leap when our mind might be freaking out?

Well, the answer I have for you is very simple…

Follow your heart.

The heart is the gateway to your intuition.

Learn more about how to develop your intuition here.