Paying It Forward…

Dear Angels,

So The Miracle of U event was a huge success last Thursday evening. Thank you for all of you who came out to enjoy the experience, it was one to remember for many of us!

I’m feeling so grateful to be a part of this moment that I want to offer everyone who reads this letter a gift of a 15-min reading with me. Please note one time only! Please schedule your appointment by responding to this email.

How this Miracle project came about…!

It all started with a spark of passion that felt deeply within my core, leading to an immersion of energy speaking to me in a thousand languages and asking for my voice to share it.

Have you ever felt that way, like there is something special that you have to share, a deep inner knowing just dying to get out!

Well, that was how I felt the day I met my producer on the beach. He was a friend of a friend and I knew when I looked into his eyes I would be doing work with him. I didn’t know how, I just knew I would.

I few weeks later, I connected with him on the phone. I told Jeff that I wanted to get started! My decision to begin is what began The Miracle…

I always knew that we were powerful beings, but I really had no idea how much energy and power was in my own words and how impactful one decision I made could effect everyone around me!

If you could decide to do anything today, what would it be?

So with my decision, providence really did move! We set the wheels in motion, investors came through, people showed up and more opportunities than I expected appeared. From working with the public schools, to Kiwanis clubs, to real-estate agents…my talks grew. I did realize one thing though, people who were listening had to be ready and really want to hear the secrets for creating the lives they desired. It really had to start with them, not me. I was simply the catalyst to bring forth a dream within them that they already had!

Are you ready to live your dream?

So as my dream unfolded, I had my orginal investor ask me to travel to Chicago to do a speaking engagement, finish a product in less than two weeks, and be up and ready to go!!! Of course, I said yes!

Counting down the days, there was no time to waste. I immediately put the wheels of my intention in motion and called on my angels for help! Within two days we had the entire 6-set CD series completed and the workbook was editted a few days later. Un-heard of by my producer who works with many professionals thoughout the USA. “Wow he said, this is really going to reach the entire world!”
I took the compliment with gratitude as I needed all the help I could get to move it forward! The CD set came together with such ease and grace, I knew we were on the right track!

Oh, but then you woudn’t believe it, with the product 90% complete my orginal investor bailed on us! What?…!!! That was one step in the road that was not expected! What to do now…

Have you ever been presented with a situation beyond your control where you just had to _____________


Well, that was me in the moment. Knowing that I was responsible for paying everyone, I felt a load a weight being added to my shoulders. Shoot!

Knowing that there is a solution to every problem, I TRUSTED that God would work it out for me. I had trusted my heart and intuition up to this point, so I couldn’t go wrong. I contacted everyone to let them the status of the situation…

Continually I focused on what was right, the amazing product we had, the people that were buying it, and gift it was to have something completed that we could share. I just knew (my intuition said) it was all going to be okay!

With more people signing up than we could purchase the products at the warehouse, we needed a miracle!

And it appeared!

The weekend previous to this occurence I had been gifted by a Native American chief and his wife to stay in their home on the Viegas Indian Reservation. It was a beautiful experience that still brings tears to my eyes.

The family purchased the product and went on to support me in my other ways, including some amazing experiences of connecting to the land, mother earth, nature, and Spirit. I could also feel the spirits on the land of the fellow natives, their joy, pains, etc. Their stories touched my heart and their spirit inspired me to have more courage and connection with my own inner self.

During my time on the reservation I had an opportunity to talk business with Anthony. I actually considered asking him if he would like to be a part of the investment opportunity for The Miracle of U. He was a very wise business man and had the integrity of the type of people who work with Life Force Connection.

A week or so later, I dialed Anthony’s number on my phone follow up with my inclination to ask him about the investment opporunity…
“Hello he said, this is Anthony. ”
” Hi Anthony, this is Abby, how are you?”
“Oh I’m pretty good he replied, I just landed in Australia a few hours ago and I’m just getting aclamated to the new envionment.”

“Wait,” I though to myself, this is biazzare! There is no way Anthony could have flewn to Australia in that time. I had just seen him the night before! Then it hit me, I was talking to a different Anthony!!!

I had to laugh…I mean really want were the odds!
I was so excited to connect with this Anthony after I realized who I really was talking to! A different Anthony! Gotta love speed dial these days!

I listened intently for a while and we shared a few laughs back and forth. I let him know that The Miracle was taking off. With my guides screaming at me saying, “this is your new investor, I had to laugh.” I had no intention of asking this Anthony to invest but I followed my guidance… within minutes he said he would love to be a part of it!

How funny! What happened in that moment was far beyond what I would have ever thought, but the power of heart and Spirit aligned for a miracle to occur!

Since then more people have signed up for the program and it simply keeps expanding on it’s own principles. To listen to the Miracle of U feel free to visit:

Sometimes things happen that we really feel are out of our hands…and that my friends is when the miracles occur!

Many blessings and love to you all.

With joy,

The Miracle Of U is a guide to discovering your true nature. In this program and in you lies real treasure.

Sonia Choquette

NY Times Bestselling Author