Accessing The Greatest Power With YOU!

In these times of great change and transformation is especially important to access the greatest power within you… Your Intuition of COURSE!

Here’s why…

When you know what it feels like, you can begin to use it to guide you moment by moment to create and LIVE the life of your dreams!
It guides you to break through negative experiences, trauma, thought patterns and emotions that stop you from having what you want.
And it supports you to know what to do, when and how to manifest your best life!
Your gift, your message is worth it, the world needs your love! And expertise…

For the next 24 hours I’m pre-launching The Intuitive U Success Program that opens up your infinite energy to divine alignment with your highest potential, soul purpose and of course best life!

Whatever is inside your heart, and directed by the core of your intuition is possible! And very close to reality as a new way of being and experience. 🙂

In this step by step process you will activate your intuition, align with the Universe in a way that supports you to have what you want from LOVE of course and then to change your vibration to attract with your energy what you want in life!

For the first 10 people who sign up I’m offering the Group Coaching Rate and then I’ll just have 3 Private Spots left, so….

Email me at: and we’ll set up a time to talk!

Registration closes at 12pm PST Tuesday.

Click here to view client testimonials.

As you learn to integrate this process, you will undoubtedly break through the subconscious and self-sabotaging beliefs that once held you back from living your dreams.

Our subconscious mind has record of everything that has ever happened in our lives and when negative emotions combined with a thought and actual moment in time create a negative belief, we are able to re-program our nervous system with positive emotion (LOVE) and thought to create a new belief that transforms the experience to find your power and the gift! From this place within you can move forward into your future, attracting what you want in life…

As you come into alignment with your soul’s wisdom of intuition and release the blocks that once stopped you, success naturally follows!

I’ve witnessed clients star in their own lives by moving into higher expressions of love in business, relationships and health…

From a Yoga teacher building an international fashion design business, executives in corporate jobs getting new promotions and/or building entirely different businesses that grow their incomes and allow them to do what they love!!!! Plus imagine meeting some of the most amazing people on the planet who have had compromised immune systems and health including not being able to walk or see, and then as they integrate this process they have restored their health, ability to walk and eye sight! And relationships, well let’s just say clients have met their soul-mates!

Email me at: and we’ll set up a time to talk!

Give yourself the gift of YOU, and show us all how your intuition is guiding you to your next level of LOVE!

With Great Love,

Abby Gooch, Founder of Life Force Connection & One Heart Global

Living Your Best Life!

So what does it mean to live your best life? For every person it will be different, yet the concept is the same – as you change your inner experience your outer results shift into what you want! I created a video for you to do just that!!!! Just click on the link below to activate your intuition and begin the process!

Click on this link to listen to listen to the video! href=””>

I’ve worked with people around the world just like you that have an amazing gift and unique ability to connect with the world around them to positively impact it in a way that inspires, guides and supports in business and in life!

In the full Intuitive Success Coaching Process you will have the opportunity to break through the internal blocks of mental and emotions that allow you to manifest what it is that you want in life!