Ignite Your INNER LIGHT!

Yesterday I literally felt myself open up to a whole new level of conversation with my boyfriend than I ever had before… We talked about our ability as humanity to look through the heart’s deepest lense to be able to see everything in our lives from LOVE.

Can you imagine seeing your life from the vantage point?

What would you see, know and perceive differently?

How would your intuition guide you?

As we were charging down the running trail my heart ignited and aligned to the frequency of unconditional love. In that moment the whole world looked different.

It was the color of love…

It’s amazing how the world opens up when we come from our hearts and listen to our intuitions.

Several months ago I was guided to give a friend a hug because I felt the spirit of her husband (who I had never met) coming through me to remind her how much he loved and missed her. That gentle squeeze was enough to remind her of the presence of love even through months of not seeing her husband.

And now, I’m literally sitting on her couch because she offered her home to me while I’ve been in transition between my house in La Jolla, CA and Oregon.

So, that one moment of kindness created a ripple effect of love that I never knew would come back to me until this moment of presence.

I would love to help you explore your intuitive gifts and ability to bring forth your intuitive guidance to live a life you love!

Click on the link below to set up a FREE 15-Minute Intuitive Reading with me at: http://calendly.com/abbyintuitive

With Great Love,

Abby Gooch, Founder of Life Force Connection & One Heart Global