The Pathway of The Heart-Living With Love

Somehow, someway everything works out. If it’s not by chance, it’s by design. I was running down the coast line today and suddenly I realized that everything works together for good. Well okay I knew it before, but I actually felt the power of the Universe moving through the plants and trees of the vegetation around me. I watched the ocean crash on the shore, feeling the movement of the waves rising and then falling.

The trees spoke to me and the wind whispered in my ears. I felt like sparkles of light were raining down on me, feeling the presence of complete unconditional love surround me, the birds sang and people chattered on…the soft midst of the morning air felt crisp and clean, purifying my thoughts from the night before and providing an open space for the creation of my day.

As I listened with my heart and felt the joy of being fully present in the moment, I was filled with self-love and inner peace. I truly was in bliss.

From this place I watched watch my thoughts and then noticed how my body reacted. If a fearful thought crossed my mind, I would automatically slow down to a halt. It was as if my body was controlled by my mind…hint, hint!

Fascinating I thought! Then I would focus on a thought that brought me joy and then notice how much more my body would relax. It became a walk (or run!) in the park…

So if my thoughts were that powerful, imagine what my heart could do! My inspiration to run came from my heart, my ability to start a business when I was 19 came from my heart, and falling in love with my partner definitely came from my heart…a very powerful force!

Remembering the times I followed my heart, I had no regrets. So what did I have to lose if I chose to just trust and listen with my heart?

My angels and guides showed me the course that day. Not only from feeling the intelligence of my heart, but they also took my hand and led me up the steep mountain and then showed me how to glide back down! Giving me the passion to get started and grace to move forward.

Letting Go-

Letting go of fear allows you to open your heart. Fear is created by the mind, or programming we have been told. For example: “Don’t eat or you will get fat, don’t run too long or you will get hurt, don’t talk to strangers…well the truth is for me that when I eat fat (the healthy kind), I get skinnier; that when I run “too” long I feel better (at least 10 miles per day); and that strangers who send out good vibes often become my new friends!

The key is to face your fears and then look at them with love. They usually have a message but the truth underneath them is love. Just choose what you want and be willing to face whatever stands in your way!

What is something you would like to have or experience in your life?
What stands in your way?
How would it feel to have what you want now?
Are you ready?…!

When you perceive from a neutral perceptive, from love, you can usually see the truth and be rational. This puts you at choice instead of reaction!

If you do find yourself in reactionary mode, then just take a step back and acknowledge yourself for what you have done right or good in your own eyes. Then have the courage to make the necessary changes from where you stand in the moment. There may be nothing that you need to change. Maybe you just need to accept exactly where you are right now!

What are ten things that you love about yourself?

Ex: Happy, Kind, Loving, Good Heart, Open Minded, Receptive, Cool, Fun, Intelligent, Athletic

What do you notice about yourself is often what you will see in others, they typically reflect us! Have you ever heard the phrase, if it sticks then it’s yours? Basically that is saying if something upsets you about another person or you are offended by then, typically it’s an energy inside you that is up to clear! Or release it!

What’s the trigger or what sets off the emotion?
What’s the feeling?
When is the first time you felt that feeling? Bring up the scene..who’s involved, where and how old are you, etc?
From an objective perceptive, what’s the truth?
What emotional resources could each person have used that would have allowed them to act in a more positive, healthy and productive way?
Imagine having all those resources back then and now grow yourself up to present time!

This gives you what you need and heals the emotional wound. Replacing it with new positive energy and love!
It’s all love by divine design and yes you are as perfect as you will see yourself to be.

Action Step-
Concept: You are love. Do what you love!!!!

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