Dear Friends,

I wanted to create something for both myself and our world to inspire the soul to break free from fear and to have the opportunity to expand its loving nature to create lives we love and to serve our planet.

This power is within and by activating our inner lights, we create more light and in doing so change the world we live in. Please join me in this global movement of intuitive awareness …

No matter what is going on in your world, I know the world is blessed by your existence. As you follow your intuition which is the path of your soul, you will be led to your best life.

Join us for the 30-Days Of Following Your Intuition Challenge!

Register by completing the form to the right.

It takes practice to develop your intuition, that is why I’m inviting you to join in this challenge!

Share this project with your your friends and loved ones. Our goal is to reach a million people with the inspiration of intuition.

Register for the 30 day Challenge and to join our community now.
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With Great Love,

Abby Gooch, Founder of Life Force Connection & One Heart