Embodying Your Intuition, Your Soul’s Wisdom

Have you ever had a feeling that you knew something without knowing how or why, and deep within their was an urge to be more, to have your heart’s desires fulfilled?

I know that, for me, I have an inner knowing that it’s time to change–with love–when I can feel an intuitive urge coming through me, taking my heart and entire being to a new level to create, consciously, what I want to experience in life.

What if you could change one thing in your life … what would it be?

Is there something you’ve asked for but haven’t received yet?

Is it possible that if you were to come into alignment with it, that you could have it? …!!!!

Of course it is AND your intuition is the guide that will open that door to you!

Your intuition is your soul embodied and it will guide you to your best life, the most fulfillment, joy and happiness…

Imagine that you’re painting your HEART’S DESIRES … what colors, shapes and sizes are there? How does it make you feel?

The process of aligning with your intuition and learning how to follow your inner guidance isn’t only an art, it’s also a practice. That’s why I created the Intuitive Success Coaching Private V.I.P. Program, which includes a 7-day private retreat with me PLUS our full year certification training program in Intuitive Success Coaching … so students like you, all around the world, can discover your gifts, monetize them and live your greatest life to fulfill your soul’s purpose.

The Intuitive Success Coaching Private V.I.P. Program activates the core of You and puts You directly into alignment with your ability to create your life from a foundation of love, step into your power, follow your intuitive guidance to your heart’s desires and connection to the world, speak and know your truth, set yourself up for success and live your vision.

The greatest gift in this program is that you experience your own soul’s connection to Spirit and align with the Universe to truly heal and create anything your heart desires from love.

The possibilities are endless and any blocks that come up between you and your highest good are cleared away in this program.

I have several spots open this week for intro consultations and just three openings for the Intuitive Success Coaching Private V.I.P. Program.

This week, I have a student flying in from Europe for the retreat to continue her intuitive journey and live more of her heart’s desires.

What are your heart’s desires?

Click here to chat and schedule your FREE 15-Minute Intro Intuitive Success Coaching Consultation to discover your intuitive gifts and experience your heart’s desires now (limit one per person).

With Great Love,

Abby Gooch, Founder of Life Force Connection & One Heart Global

P.S. V.I.P. in our company stands for Very. Intuitive. Person!

“Abby is proof positive of the Power of Intention. Already moving toward the goals I had set for myself in my expanding legal practice concerning client generation/attention, streamlining my organizational structure, gross and net revenues, and doing all of this while retaining a certain élan about myself and those I associate with both professionally and personally, my consults with Abby over a two-month period resulted in a dramatic increase in all these areas: the most measurable of which–from traditional metrics– gross/net revenues, doubled, as did the number of business associates with whom I network as an attorney. Abby is someone who possesses and promulgates “soft” skills, the implementation of which in your professional and for that matter personal life result in dramatic, measurable, “hard” results–hard not in the sense of derived through difficulty–on the contrary–results came to me like water flowing from a faucet–rather hard in the sense of measurable and sustainable.”

-Charles Marshal, Attorney at Law

“I got so much from your consultation.  All of these doors are opening and helping me focus in a direction that feels right.”

– Justine

“Abby is extremely gifted at what she does. She helped me increase my patient load by 50%, helped me with my intuition and productivity to better help my patients, my satisfaction with my career, my profitability, and this happened in a rapid 2-week period. It’s been almost 3- months now, and my Acupuncture clinic is better than it ever has been! I would highly recommend Abby to anyone who needs help in any aspect of bringing their business, and themselves, to the highest potential it can be!”

-Mieko Sei, Licensed Acupuncturist and Massage Therapist

“I’m a business man. I’m not quite as “New Age” warm & fuzzy, as I would imagine some of Abby’s other clients are. I don’t do yoga and I don’t own any crystals. But I do appreciate results. Abby Gooch has produced results in my personal & financial life that have been rapid and dramatic. I have been to all the seminars and read all the books. I know how to think positive and be highly effective. What Abby helped me learn was what, I personally, needed to change, why I wasn’t choosing to change, and what to do to solve all that. That took three weeks. It worked. I can’t think of a higher recommendation one could give.”

– Frederick L. Shelton, Attorney

“Working with Abby brought immediate sustainable results. She is truly a gifted woman that I trust completely.”

– Shannon Smith

Click here to chat and schedule your FREE 15-Minute Intro Intuitive Success Coaching Consultation to discover your intuitive gifts and experience your heart’s desires now (limit one per person).

How To Live The Life Your Heart Desires

Hey {!firstname_fix}!

How are you today?

Is this the day you’re living your heart’s desires or are you waiting to put that off until tomorrow?

What about living them TODAY?

In over 14 years of guiding people professionally to live their heart’s desires I’ve never seen one case where their heart or intuition misled them. And in my own personal experience, I’ve found that my intuitive guidance opens up my heart to a deeper capacity to love and to my personal power to create a life I truly love.

It can do the same for you…

Here are 3 simple steps to start living your heart’s desires TODAY and, as Gandhi said, to “be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

Step #1: Ask, “What Does My Heart Say?”

Your heart speaks to you in the vibration of positive or negative feelings. Although you may not have words, your heart simply points you in the direction of the most love. Simply because it knows what love feels like.

Love will bring you into alignment with the core of who you are, the Spirit in all things.

When you move into partnership with your heart, you ignite the spark of light within and your intuition comes alive! This is where the magic happens!

Take a moment now to close your eyes and let your attention soften and drop from your head into your heart. Let the thoughts go and let your heart, and the love you feel, expand from your heart out beyond your body.

Step #2: Listen To Your Gut

Did you know that there are over 500 million cells in your gut?

Science has helped us prove that following the intelligence in our guts (our intuition) naturally leads to better decisions and outcomes and can greatly improve our relationships, incomes and health. In fact, we can heal ourselves with our intuitive guidance. So, are you following your gut?

Take a moment to drop from your heart and feel into the area of your belly. Now, ask yourself a question and listen to your gut. It will give you a sensation of expansion or contraction in response. Follow the feelings of expansion…

When you follow your intuition, you’re in alignment with your soul AND this gut feeling of your intuition is your constant companion that will always lead you to your best life!

Click here (or email: success@lifeforceconnection.com) to learn how you can apply your intuitive guidance for massively manifesting and creating a life you love TODAY!

My partner Donovan and I have created a program just for you to be able to find your unique gifts, put your intuitive guidance into action and truly show up in the world in the way that your soul is guiding you to!

It’s always been my heart’s desire to be with a man that I loved, start a family and life together with so much love… this is one of the many blessings that comes from following intuitive guidance!


 Step #3: Set Your Intention & Take Action!

When you set your intention and make a choice to do something that’s aligned with love, your intuition will serve as your “inner compass” to guide you on that path. All you need to do is listen to your heart (Step #1), then your gut, (Step #2) and then take action (Step #3)!

Because energy moves when we take action, it will bring our heart’s desire into form. From idea to matter. Your idea can be thought of as your intention, and as you set your intention and activate your intuition, the next step will appear!

Click here (or email: success@lifeforceconnection.com) to learn how you can apply your intuitive guidance for massively manifesting and creating a life you love TODAY!

With Great Love,

Abby & Donovan

Control Verses Flow

Control is based in fear where if we choose love in each moment we can find the flow guiding us to the next best step! Our intuition will naturally guide us to this…

When we listen to our gut feeling, the intuitive knowing within us, our path naturally unfolds.

I often description intuition as the “soul embodied” because it’s wisdom has a connection to our Higher Self which in the Highest aspect of our being. It itself is love.

How to listen to your intuition?

Here’s a quick meditation to learn how!

A Guided Meditation- Connecting With Your Intuition

Allow your thoughts to become still and begin to place your attention on your heart center. Notice the state of calmness you feel. Allow your thoughts to rest in the love of your heart. Breathe into your heart center and allow love to fill your being. Next let this beautiful energy of love travel down to your core to meet at your belly button, your gut feeling or inner knowing. Feel yourself settle into your core and notice how you feel. 

This is the home of your intuition. Breathe.

From your core, imagine a bright ball of white light radiating outwards.  Feel the light within you and energetically imagine this ball of light moving upwards back to your heart and then all the way up your body and out through the top of your head.

Let the light hover above your head and the allow a waterfall of white light to flow all around you, allowing any and all negativity to be healed and cleansed by the light.

See the light just above your head and then slowly allow the light to travel down from your head, torso, hips, legs and feet. From your feet, imagine that there are roots growing out the bottom of your feet, connecting you to the very center of the earth. At the core of the earth see a solid bright yellow light, radiating outward with orange color and then turning into a brilliant white light…

Feel the support from Mother Earth and allow the positive energy of the light to come back up through your feet, leg, hips and torso to meet with your heart center. 

Extend this light out from your heart and notice how you feel.

Slowly come back into the room, open your eyes, and feel the quality of your presence.


As you begin to trust the inner guidance of your intuition, you will find things start naturally to click into place, life will come to you and you can just say “yes” to success!
To Learn More Go To: www.lifeforceconnection.com


With Great Love,
