Control Verses Flow

Control is based in fear where if we choose love in each moment we can find the flow guiding us to the next best step! Our intuition will naturally guide us to this…

When we listen to our gut feeling, the intuitive knowing within us, our path naturally unfolds.

I often description intuition as the “soul embodied” because it’s wisdom has a connection to our Higher Self which in the Highest aspect of our being. It itself is love.

How to listen to your intuition?

Here’s a quick meditation to learn how!

A Guided Meditation- Connecting With Your Intuition

Allow your thoughts to become still and begin to place your attention on your heart center. Notice the state of calmness you feel. Allow your thoughts to rest in the love of your heart. Breathe into your heart center and allow love to fill your being. Next let this beautiful energy of love travel down to your core to meet at your belly button, your gut feeling or inner knowing. Feel yourself settle into your core and notice how you feel. 

This is the home of your intuition. Breathe.

From your core, imagine a bright ball of white light radiating outwards.  Feel the light within you and energetically imagine this ball of light moving upwards back to your heart and then all the way up your body and out through the top of your head.

Let the light hover above your head and the allow a waterfall of white light to flow all around you, allowing any and all negativity to be healed and cleansed by the light.

See the light just above your head and then slowly allow the light to travel down from your head, torso, hips, legs and feet. From your feet, imagine that there are roots growing out the bottom of your feet, connecting you to the very center of the earth. At the core of the earth see a solid bright yellow light, radiating outward with orange color and then turning into a brilliant white light…

Feel the support from Mother Earth and allow the positive energy of the light to come back up through your feet, leg, hips and torso to meet with your heart center. 

Extend this light out from your heart and notice how you feel.

Slowly come back into the room, open your eyes, and feel the quality of your presence.


As you begin to trust the inner guidance of your intuition, you will find things start naturally to click into place, life will come to you and you can just say “yes” to success!
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With Great Love,


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