
I woke up this morning with an inspiration to share with you something that I believe each and every one of us know but often forget. Our interconnectedness to each other provides an opportunity to grow and heal with love, not with our mind’s intellect but rather with the wisdom of the heart. There is a certain peace here that the mind may not understand but your intuition knows the truth. This is the greatest place of service that we can be, in alignment with our hearts.

The great news is that it’s only natural to access the wisdom of our hearts, it’s just that fear often gets in the way of our heart’s pure longing. If we have the courage to face each of our fears with love, we will know the freedom and liberation of truly creating our lives. This power is innate, it’s what we were born to do!

So what’s stopping you? What fear do you need to face that will set yourself free?

One of my favorite teachers Sonia Choquette once said, “if you weren’t afraid, what would you do?”

For me it was dancing at the time, she asked me to come up on stage in front of a couple hundred people. My hips locked, I could hardly move, but she had me stay with the fear until the power within me moved me with such Life Force that I became a dancer and have never been the same to this day.

Sometimes the fear is actually the gateway to your deepest heart’s desire because what’s on the other side is actually what your soul is craving, you just have to be stronger than your dear fear which in most cases is just a thought anyways!

That’s what I love about teaching intuitive development, it strengthens what we know at our core and puts us in alignment with our highest selves. From this place we create the life we came here to live.

Click here to learn more about the Intuitive Success Club.

With Great Love,
