Science & Intuition

Soul Man’ an interview with Gary Zukav – Science of Mind, April 2012
“…we are on the edge of the most profound and significant transformation of human consciousness since the origin of human consciousness.’
‘It is a way of living and perceiving the world where we will use more than the five senses to make our decisions.  It is a way of living where we will rely much more on our intuition to guide us.  It is a way of living that is not far off in the future, but is beginning to appear right now.”
“This is a transformation of extraordinary scope, unimaginable depth, and immensity that can’t be described. It is offering to us potential that didn’t exist before.  Our means of evolution has changed.  Our understanding of power is changing. Our ability to live lives of fulfillment and joy and satisfaction is far beyond anything that we’ve had in the past.  In other words, nothing is the same now, although so very much appears the same.  We are in a time of transition when the old is falling away and the new is being born.”
“Start with intention to change yourself. Every change starts with intention.  Most of your intentions are not conscious.”
“Everything in Earth school, every experience and interaction, gives you an opportunity to choose to act and create with fear, or to choose to act and create with love. The Universe will always support you in learning love not matter what choice you make.”