You know that intuitive feeling, the gut nudge that says, “go here, and do that, but you don’t know why?”
That is your intuition speaking to you!
This inner intelligence is beyond the mind but felt in the gut. The way to access your intuition is to first connect with your heart, then from your heart, bring your attention to your core gut area which is about two inches below your belly button. This is the center point of knowing, truth, and wisdom.
Most likely you have been following your intuition without even knowing how or why, because it’s natural. These intuitive ideas, connections, and serendipities come through our consciousness when we allow this life force energy to flow which leads to success in all areas of life, particularly in technology and sales.
Can you remember the last time you had an idea, insight or moment of clarity when you weren’t expecting it, yet it just happened? That is your intuition guiding you, and when you couple that with your powerful intentions/goals, the sky isn’t even the limit!
Some thought leaders just like you have recognized that we already know everything, and that it is a matter of tapping into this intelligence. For example, Albert Einstein and Elon Musk have had a unique perspective of life that they have both tested and proven which positively affected our world at large. Accessing your intuition puts you in touch with the heart of the matter and allows your highest potential to flourish.
The key to following your intuition is to trust it.
Because you do already know the answer, you must trust what you know.
There are a few ways you can strengthen and develop your intuition:
1. Get physical and exercise!
Moving your body lets your life force energy flow. It brings the energy from just your head throughout your entire body and tunes you in with your gut feeling. This naturally inspires you into action because your endorphins are following and you’re receptive to those good feelings that move you into action!
2. Trust your first gut feeling.
How many times have you known something right from the geico but then doubted it later, only to find out your first intuition was right!
3. Take inspired action.
When you take action on something you put the energy in motion and can manifest results.
This world is an extremely kind place and when you tune into your intuition, you can align with its kindness. The right people, circumstances and events will come to you when you are following your intuition. If you are wondering if it’s your intuition or something else you are listening to, it’s best to start with listening to your heart. This opens the floodgates of love within you. Love is the energy that can be felt within you and every living thing so when you are tuning into that frequency of energy you are in service to the greater whole of life. This positive energy will inspire new ideas, attract greater success and happiness whereby customers are naturally drawn to both you and the company.
From some people their hearts may feel closed, from past hurt and trauma yet the heart’s infinite capacity to love can be re-awakened with being present to what makes them feel good in the moment. There is always something to do, feel or think that can bring us into greater alignment with love. What do you love?
When you do something that you love, you put yourself in the vibrational frequency and alignment with love so good things can be drawn to you. The energetics of success involve two key factors:
1. Service
2. Love
A truly successful business includes these two factors because love opens the door for people to see how you can serve them and the service is the product or service you provide of which they value and pay for! The secret is to then use your intuition to discover what that is. How can you serve the needs of your customer? What do they need?
When you ask these powerful questions, your intuition can provide the answers.
Just take a few moments right now to answer those questions by writing them down and trusting the first answer that comes to you. If it feels right and aligns with both your heart and gut, then take inspired action towards it! This momentum forward will bring your goals closer to you until you reach them by taking consistent intuitive action. Test and measure, see what works and doesn’t. Obviously do what does work and expand your mind and heart into the possibilities of how else you can reach your customers and serve them.
How else can I reach my customer?
Asking these questions and then understanding how you can stand out in your field of expertise helps people to trust and buy from you. People purchase from people they trust and as you follow your intuition, you naturally will speak to theirs. When you are speaking to someone’s intuition and have what they want, they will naturally buy from you.
Learn more about how you can monetize your gifts and make money doing what you love at:
With Great Love,
Abby & Team