Jump Start Your New Year!

As 2019 comes to a close I find myself reflecting on the past year, learning the lessons I clearly needed to learn and now moving forward with even more clarity.

Once the lesson is done, the expansion can happen, and we can see what the next step is from this very moment…

Anything is possible!

And as we align with LOVE, the doors to heaven open!

As we see ourselves with love, the truth is revealed.

There is safety in truth because energetically we know what it feels like and we can remember our soul.

I want to invite you to join me on something really special for the next 3 days that I’m offering through the New Year.

The Magic of Manifesting ~ A special opportunity to align with your heart’s desires in 2020!

Here’s how to get started:

1. List 10 things you want to experience in 2020, then email to me at: abby@lifeforceconnection.com

2. Then email me at that same address to schedule an Intuitive Success Coaching Session and together we will move you into energetic alignment with these things and create success from the inside out! During the session I will help you to see your unique and beautiful gifts, clear your internal blocks to having what you want (and getting clear about what you want), and I’ll show you how to manifest with the magic of your intuition in 2020!

I will send you a template for our session and we will schedule a time from now through 2020.

3. Mark the day on your calendar one-year from your session and we will talk then to see all that has manifested for you!


I’ve watched so many miracles happen for both myself and my clients with this work that I KNOW in every cell of my being as you learn this process, you can also experience the amazingness of being aligned with your highest potential and the JOY of living it!

“Abby is one of the most gifted intuitive healers that I have ever encountered. She goes right to the core issues that are keeping you from shining your light in the world. I feel completely transformed by only one session with her. And I have experienced huge changes in my life already, towards my stepping into a much more empowered version of myself. I would highly recommend Abby for anyone that is ready to transform their life and themselves in a real and profound way.”

– Traysiah Spring

Abby is not only an amazing coach, she is an amazing friend. When you work with Abby you not only benefit from all her talents and gifts, you become her friend- a friendship I value so much. When she is coaching, she is connecting with you and she genuinely cares about your well-being and success. She becomes invested in you. Abby has helped me reach a place inside myself I didn’t know was there where I can now tap into my intuition and not question or doubt myself- something I thought only other people could do- not me. She has made an incredible difference in how I see my life, myself and my business.

– Amy Bremner

“I’m a business man. I’m not quite as “New Age” warm & fuzzy, as I would imagine some of Abby’s other clients are. I don’t do yoga and I don’t own any crystals. But I do appreciate results. Abby Gooch has produced results in my personal & financial life that have been rapid and dramatic. I have been to all the seminars and read all the books. I know how to think positive and be highly effective. What Abby helped me learn was what, I personally, needed to change, why I wasn’t choosing to change, and what to do to solve all that. That took three weeks. It worked. I can’t think of a higher recommendation one could give.”

– Frederick L. Shelton

I’m so excited to help you activate your intuitive gifts, move through whatever is stopping you and align with your dreams for 2020. I know that as we activate the Life Force energy within, we all can become conduits for God’s perfect peace.

From the day I felt God’s presence as a healing force in my life, I prayed this prayer:

“God, may be hands be used to heal,
May be words be your words,
May be heart be expanded to love more,
May I serve you…

May we all know that we are loved.

Wishing you a wonderful 2020, with GREAT LOVE.


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