Making The Choice

The power of choice is our ability to co-create the lives we want…

It’s our infinite capacity to harness the power for good in our lives, THE ONLY REAL POWER IS LOVE.

Underneath all the pain, the sadness and the anger of the world is the need to be loved, to be understood and held in love’s embrace. What if in this moment you could feel God, the PRESENCE OF LOVE holding you now? Breathe it in, you got this!

As you breathe love in, you will feel your body expand with more energy. It’s the way LIFE works, life expands. Fear constricts. Start to bring the power of love into your life where you feel afraid, it will slowly or sometimes quickly release the constriction where fear used to be.

What are you really afraid of? AND…

What is the truth?

As you move into the truth, you will be inspired to listen to your intuition.

Your intuition is your innate power, life force energy, LOVE, and the connection to the truth within you.

Listen with your heart, don’t speak, just FEEL. What is your heart telling you?

The softness and love of your heart will open you up to the wisdom of your soul.

Listen with your heart, the love will then guide you to respond from a place of love rather than the fear. The evolving soul’s presence will grow with love because love is who you are!

Then I invite you to have a conversation with someone else from this place. Watch what possibilities start to open up for you and another; from love’s infinite expression there is always a solution to every perceived problem in life.

Love will call you back home to who you are.



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