From Fear To LOVE


I’m getting ready to release my next book The Universal Language of LOVE and I wanted to give you a little sneak peak!

So, here we go!

From Fear To Love ~

From fear to love takes TRUST. Not trust in someone else or something else, but trust in yourself. Trust in the Divine within you, meaning the love within you. The light of God/Source/The Universe whatever Life Force energy you would like to call it. This source of love speaks to you through your intuition, it is the light of love, the light of LOVE IS GOD.

Breathe the light within you, breathe the love of God within you. Imagine a beautiful ball of white golden light at the center of your belly, fill this space with the light of God. Imagine that you are breathing in all of life’s beauty, wonder and joy, accessing the higher frequencies of love, joy, peace and satisfaction.

New Belief Shift – So knowing that our inner experience creates our outer we can focus on how we can shift our inner landscape to then create more of what we want to create in our lives. It is true that we cannot control another person, but we can control our reaction to or experience of them.

I remember when one of my past boyfriends left me, I immediately made a choice, i.e. decision that I wasn’t worthy of love. While this wasn’t true at a fundamental level, because it felt true, it became true. That’s simply how our neurology works! The brain always makes associations whether positive or negative. Here’s the great thing, we can shift any negative belief you have about yourself or another into a positive more empowering belief. And then help you create a new reality for yourself!

Here’s how!

#1: Set your intention. Our free will is meant to be used as our ability to create and if we use it only for love based thoughts, actions and intention, in my experience, things just work out because they are rooted in the foundation of LOVE. Like a strong tree, those roots of love grow deep.

So what is love?

Such a broad topic I believe I can only scratch the surface of. Although I have experienced it’s depths in relationship both personally and professionally, I can only tell you of my experiences in this book which will hopefully inspire you to both remember and create your own.

Truth is love is an infinite power, it is in everyone and every living thing, it has a life force energy that can be felt by the heart and experienced by the soul. You can feel this connection at your center, again bring the brilliant white golden light to your belly and you cannot help but feel your core, your connection to the Universe within you.

I look forward to guiding you deeper into your soul’s connection to continue to create and to manifest your best life!

Click here to schedule a FREE Intro Intuitive Success Coaching Session.


With Great Love,

Abby Gooch, Founder of Life Force Connection & One Heart Global

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