My Adventures In Phuket, Thailand!

My Adventure To Koh Yao Noi Island, Thailand

A true story of risk and intuition, stepping into my power and trusting that all would be well…

I woke up at 1am Thailand time, maybe a little off from the time change, but mostly it was the lightness of my heart and decision to make the most out of my trip that awoke me. I wanted to touch base with my best friend Cy, I was feeling a little nervous about being in another country, being able to successfully run my business from here, and to be able to embrace my full self. He is always good at holding space for that so I really felt like I wanted to call him.

I went to the front desk of the hotel to buy internet minutes and then returned to my room where I could use Skpye to contact him. For some reason, my internet wouldn’t turn back on once I disconnected it. So, I went back to the front desk to tell them. There, I was greeted by a nice Thai man whom I had seen before but never had the opportunity to talk with until now. He seemed very nice, and kind from the heart. Even though I couldn’t understand what he was saying, I felt that he was talking to the other man at the front desk to try and help my get another internet pass. I was grateful.

Pretty soon, he asked me where I was going and what my plan was. I told him I was planning to go to Pi Pi Island as a friend from Spain who I met the day before said it was beautiful. I thought I would check it out. After talking about it for a few minutes, and me asking how I would get there, what the cost was for a taxi (after being ripped off once!), this kind man offered to take me for free! I was thrilled, although I knew it was risky as I just met this man and had arrived just a day before, I knew I could trust my intuition and it felt right. We made plans to meet at 11am the following day.

I had a very hard time sleeping that night, I was just so excited for what was ahead, and I could feel my heart soaring. My spirit loves to jump in and not know what’s going to happen but to just trust!

So, at 11am sharp he was waiting for me. His name was Dam, and although he spoke little English, the un-spoken language of love was flowing from our hearts with grace and ease. Dam had a good heart, I could feel it. He wanted me to be happy and to enjoy their culture. I felt comfortable, but yes a little nervous!

Dam told me that Pi Pi island was full of tourists and that he would like to go to another island called Koh Yao Noi. I said yes as my heart’s desire was also to visit the native culture and experience what it was like to be Thai! So away we went on his motor bike scooter, my hair flying in the breeze, I felt so free!

As we left the hotel grounds I felt like I had seen beyond the limitations and boundaries of where I was into new territory. The lush green grass and all the trees made me feel at home. It was truly beautiful.

In Thailand, everyone drives on the left side of the street, so that was a little different, but once I relaxed, it felt good. We drove to the port where we would catch a boat to the island. I smiled with glee as we drove down the street and monkeys came up close to us where we could see them. Something about monkeys just makes me smile, so on the way back I made sure to get lots of pictures.

We had to wait 15-20 minutes for the boat to come. A nice family from America was there as well and I overheard them saying something about San Diego, CA which made me feel that wherever I was going was safe.

The motor boat came a few minutes later. It was much older than the ones I had seen in America, yet I was rather intrigued with the process. I could tell the boat was built by the natives because it was all wood and had the same shape with tips pointing upwards just like I had seen in the pictures. The motor was at the back and manually was put into the water. The metal was rusty and old but still worked, so we were off!

The ride over was beautiful and long, with many island surrounding where we were going, the expansion of both my mind and heart was happening. I couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty and enjoy the ride even though my buttocks was quite sore!

To pass the time, I started up a conversation with the same family that I had over heard before, a husband and wife with three kids. The middle child was a boy with not only a huge heart and mind, but the ability to teach me what I needed to know in a way that took me by surprise. He told me of their adventures in Bangkok and how traditional Buddism works, that it’s goal is for you to become self-realized. He told me that he had taken a world religion class and that’s how he knew about it. So nice to know that they are teaching children about the world cultures that both he and I are now experiencing!

We arrived to the island within and hour. We were greeted by many people wanting to sell us motor bike or truck rides to our destination, but we already had it covered! Dam had put his motorbike in the boat, so we decided to ride around the island. The one thing that I really noticed is that the Thai people have everything they need to thrive and nothing is left behind that can’t be used. As we past fields of rice, fruits and other crops I noticed this. That life is simple, all needs are met and everything is provided. The exchange of energy through money allows this circulation of energy. We are gift!

We stopped at the market to buy a few things for lunch, some of the fruits were prickly and things I had never seen before. The locals were laughing at me as I poked and proded a few of the fruits, Dam saying, “she’s from Cal-i-forn-i-a?” “Oh!” they said.

We continued our ride to find a place to stay that night. I was a little nervous about saying the night with a man whom I had just met, but I trusted both myself and him that he would respect my boundaries of not sleeping with him. This journey was about friendship and exploration for me, not about romance.

It turned out quite nicely of course. Dam found a nice little bungalow on the beach that was infested with bugs but pretty none the less. We unloaded our stuff and then took a nice walk down the beach. There were lots of rocks so we didn’t go too far, but what I did see was a beautiful leaf that had fallen into the sand in the shape of a heart. I showed Dam, and felt re-assurance in my heart that all was well.

That night we went out to dinner at a cute little restaurant that overlooked the island’s agriculture. It was quite nice but things were starting to get a little uncomfortable for me. I could tell that Dam really liked me and wanted more than a friend. Not really sure how to handle it, I called on my guides and asked for a protection shield of light to be clear that I didn’t want anything more than friends and to protect me from harm. I sent energy vibes from my heart to his, and I know he got it.

After a good nights rest I woke up the next morning at 5am and did Yoga on the beach. It was glorious. The movement was much needed and my body opened to a new level of energy while my mind softened and opened to a new gift. As I was finishing my practice, I started to see a purple light right at my third eye. It was subtle but very real. As I focused on this light I heard, “you always have a choice, respect your own free will, that’s why I gave it to you.” I was so grateful to hear God’s voice speaking to me in this way as I have struggle all my life to not feel guilty for what I want, to say no when I mean no and yes when I mean yes. It was as if God gave me permission for something that I always wanted to do- to honor myself. Thank you! God!

A Thai Birthday Party

On Saturday night I called my friend Dam to see if he still wanted to go to Phuket with his family the following day. He said yes and then invited me to his good friends birthday party that night!

A revendous of friends, coming together with lots of beer, food and laughter!
They really take care of each other. The community within the Thai people is like nothing I have ever seen before. All of them really have each others back!

All of them knew who I was when I walked in and everywhere I go within the community take Dam knows, they all help us make connections to meet up for our adventures and continue to dive into the heart of Thailand!

We celebrated the birthday of (insert name here, I’ll talk to Dam but you can use Ki now) by drinking water, beer, and they even brought out a bottle of wine for me. I wasn’t drinking alcohol but was honored so I took a sip. We laughed all evening, half the time about nothing I could understand, but none the less, the language of love was flowing from the heart and we all felt it. A few Thai men played the guitar and asked me to sing…I told them I would be happy to in English!

There was much talk about me being beautiful among the men and women at the party, I felt honored yet felt the same about them. Such beautiful people; the women soft and stunning, the men so respectful and kind, and children, well they are just precious.

I love how they work together as a community and are not racist, or sexist. Everyone works, everyone contributes to the whole. Families live together their entire lives and support each other. Our American culture asks us to leave when we are 18yr old and if you don’t something is wrong. Just different perspectives I suppose but I’m grateful for our differences as it shows me there is no right or wrong, just love as Cy says.

The birthday boy drank until he fell asleep outside with his arms on the table. I left with Dam around 11pm, but I heard about it the next morning. I can still see his smile in my mind’s eye. He was happy and that was all that mattered.

A City Tour of Phuket, Thailand

The Thailand people are some of the most generous, kind-hearted and loving people that I have ever met. I know that these qualities exist in the heart and can be found in any culture or person, yet the depth and completeness of these people’s hearts are quite profound. I am learning more and more everyday to let go of anything other than loving-kindness and allow my true nature of generosity continue to shine. It’s hard not to be when you are being given so much from the heart …

Just yesterday one of my Thailand friends invited me to take a city tour with him and his sister to the main island of Phuket. Not only did I find him waiting there for me in the car, but his sisters entire family had taken off work just to drive me around this beautiful city and insure my comfortablility. I was in awe and felt gratitude that I really meant that much. His sister’s husband in the drivers seat, my friend Dam and his sister’s daughter next to me, I felt right at home, as if I was with my own family…

The children were loving and respecting me just as they would an elder, and of course my friend Dam making sure that I was happy every step of the way.

Before our journey began we stopped to get gas at Shell, a gas station that is also in the US. I went to pull out my money to give them gas money and they insisted that they already had it handled. I knew it was probably about a $1000 Bat, but they were sure they wanted to and it was no use fighting them. I graciously accepted, knowing that it was part of my journey to learn how to receive- as I did, I felt no strings attached. Just love. It’s like these people live from their hearts, they don’t really try to convince you to do anything you don’t want to do. Although you can tell that Dam wanted me to be is girlfriend, he still respected my no, and any decision to do or not do something without judgment. A huge lesson for me to implement for myself as I hardly used to honor my no’s and yes’s without feeling guilty and attaching some form of judgment to how I really felt. I am grateful to feel the non-judgment and peace that comes from these people, something which I feel is instill in them from such a young age and taught in the Buddist religion of which Thailand is 98%.

After visiting many beautiful beaches and busy streets on Phuket island, we arrived to a Buddist temple of which was my favorite part of the adventure. These temples glistened in the sun with pure gold, and towered above you, piercing the beautiful blue skies.

I was a little nervous about entering the temples, wanting to make sure I honored the Budda and religion in the best way I could, yet I was very curious and wanted to share with my friends back in the states, so I asked if I could videotape. My own judgement told my it wouldn’t be respectful, but I found the answer to be the opposite. I found that they wanted me to tape the experience and record how their religion worked, accompanied by all the beauty. It feels like they are proud yet humble about their culture, that they know what they have but don’t need to boast it- that they just want to share the love and peace that you can feel in their hearts. I realized how simple life is when lived from the heart, a lesson that I will never forget.

As I entered the first temple and performed the ritual of placing flowers for the Budda and lighting a candle and some form of stick that respects and honors the Budda, I couldn’t help but believe in this religion as I felt the power and knew what I was feeling was real. I felt the completion of our divine nature and the Budda’s support for us to fully realize it.

At this temple, Dam told my to make a wish, to ask the Budda for my dream. They all did the same. I asked for the richness of life, to be very wealthy financially so that I could help even more people. After you fall to your knees and bow, you stand up and place a gold square of paper directly on the Budda with water. This signifies that the dream and prayer has been heard. (?) double check with Dam on that. As I did my squares, one for each of the three Buddas, and as I did, the gold squares kept sticking to me! Then as we left the temple, the wind flowed even more pieces of the gold paper to me… I thought it was funny that I prayer for riches and there was already gold flowing all around me! I concluded to myself that the Budda really did want me to have all the riches I could ever want in life, thank God!

The second temple we went to required that the women wear either a skirt or have a piece of cloth wrapped around them that reached in length to their ankles. Because both myself and her daughter were wearing shorts, we had the cloth wrapped around us before we entered the temple. This temple also had three statues, each of them with their own energy. Some had an older vibe, while others spoke to the more younger population. The first statue I kneeled down by with an elderly man who spoke a message directly into my ear from God, I heard…”trust me.” I knew the message was for me and was real because I had a few concerns on my mind, and this confirmed in my heart that all would be well, that I just needed to trust.

At another one of the statues I realized that the task I had undertook in being here at this time required a very deep level of trust, and that in doing so I recognized myself as a master teacher, someone who had given up much to be filled with the spirit and love of God to share with the world. It was as if I was surrounded by many other masters who had walked the path before and were now illuminating their light for me to honor myself and own way.

I have found the Buddist religion and Thai culture to be the most freeing yet. They have very little rules, but guidelines rather for living. It’s not the type of religion that judges, critizes and condemns, but rather embraces, loves and takes you in as their own.

The Generosity Continues…

So, it turns out the Thai’s are not the only generous people that I have run across in my trip here, the Austrians or Austias as they call themselves are not only the best at making you feel at home, but also at giving from their hearts. For the second time in the 5 days that I have been here, they have treated me to a meal paid for by them. I did nothing to deserve this other than continue to give from my heart and knowing that it would come back to me in some other way…it really does work. I am letting go of control and the need to know how God provides, and as I do, miracles are continuing to happen.

From the moment I met Sonia, a beautiful Austrian women sitting into the beauty chair sipping her mango diarchy with a big smile, I knew that I was in good hands. I had arrived at the shop wanting to get a massage but the Thai owner was having a hard time understanding me, or me understanding her! Sonia was able to clarify what I really wanted which was a massage and a mango diarchy from next door! We became instant friends and enjoyed many laughs before it was time for my massage.

After my massage, Sonia had invited me out for dinner with her family and friends. I got to meet her husband and sweet little son Copper. Such a fun name and very fitting for him! We enjoyed an over indulgent meal with more than enough alcohol and food to spare, the conversation was so helpful as they told me of their journeys to Africa and Bali, two of the places I wanted to go with Bali being less than a month. I was so grateful for their hospitially and reminder that even when I was half way across the world from my own family, that I could still feel the connection of family with my new Austrian friends.

We watched the Thai’s light a magic lantern up into the sky for good luck, it was made of white paper with a candle inside which allowed it to float up into the infinite sky… I told the Austias to make a wish and we were all thrilled at the new experience to appreciate the Thai culture in this way. Copper and I made sure we got plenty of photos to take home and share the experience with our friends!

My experience continued a couple days later with the Austia when I stopped mid sentence from writing my book and marched down to the breakfast room, I wasn’t planning on having breakfast, partially because I didn’t want to spend the extra money and partial because I thought it would be better if I didn’t eat, yet as I walked by I thought, “yeah, breakfast sounds good, I deserve it!” Moments after making that decision another Austrian who I would often run into while returning to my room, offered me breakfast on him! He and his friend each had their own rooms with two breakfast passes, one of which they weren’t using…so he invited me as his guest. How sweet!

After feeling a little guilty about not paying for myself I let it go and embraced these new people in front of me. My new friend told me that he was going to leave early because he was feeling homesick for his two kids, as he told me this I could see tears in his eyes. So precious the love I felt for him and what he had for his kids. He taught me that we are all in this together and that it’s about sharing. I couldn’t have agreed more!

The Austrians seem so laid back, everything goes and everything is good- more than enough feels to be their theme, with room to take you in as their own…hum, a universal theme of people taking me in as their own- maybe the whole world really is my home!

How can I serve?

This is often a question I asked myself everyday. I got it from my mom who reminded me that when I was a child by always giving generously to others. I think her name Theresa really fits her. Although her name isn’t Mother Theresa to the world, it definetly is to me. I have learned from her example to give what I can and then to trust that the Universe will always give back to you a hundred fold…

I still remember a women named Adrianne who my mom helped. A lonely widowed women who chose to have no friends because she was in so much pain, was embraced by my mother. Not because she had a lot of money, not because my mom wanted something from her, but because of my mom’s ever expanding and loving heart. She would take Adrianne places, feed, love and support her, while always lending a hear to listen. As a child I remember wondering why my mom would give so much to this person. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I finally understood, that whatever we give comes back to us a hundred fold. Years later, after Adrianne had past on, I found out that she gave part of her inherence to my mom, for being that beautiful light and friend that she was.

My mom reminded me of this concept again when I was a nanny about 10 years ago. She told me that when I started to get too into myself and wrapped up in my “problems,” that I needed to ask, “how can I serve,” and then see where I was guided, how I could help another. I find that this really is the best solution to getting trapped in my head, the surest way to get back into your heart is to ask, “how can I serve.”

How To Follow Your Intuition-

Your intuition feels light because it knows there is nothing to be afraid of, it (your intuition or inner knowing), understands it’s oneness with God. Therefore it knows no fear because if you listen and trust your heart, it will never lead you in any direction other than your highest good, and it will always keep you safe. For this I am grateful. My work as an Intuitive Teacher is to provide the pathway to your inner knowing, or intuition in love guide you to your dreams.

I want everyone to both understand and experience the key principles that govern the creation of our dreams and manifestation of them in life. It’s simple, it’s your intuition. Although the concept is simple, living in it is not as easy as one might think. Following your intuition requires faith and trust, and most importantly the willingness to do something different- to step outside of the boundaries of your mind and to really trust your inner knowing, and to ACT on it! This is where it gets scary for a lot (most) of people because they are afraid to trust what they feel, yet each time they do trust and act on their intuition, they are always more than pleasantly surprised. Your intuition is defined in the dictionary as, “ beyond intellectual understanding.” That is why is why I consider intuition both a spiritual and successful business practice because oftentimes in these situations we have to trust and know in our heart that all is well and that our innate instinct of intuition will guide us and others to the best possible outcome, every time.

For me to teach you intuition I have to tell you that I have walked the path before you that lies ahead, it is the illuminated path of your highest potential and it requires your choice to say yes to the inner promptings of your heart and the intuitive knowing.


Right now, I’m sitting here in Thailand, something I never thought I could do…

A couple of months ago I wouldn’t have believed it was even possible to be here and expand into my full expression of life- to teach (and learn) intuition. It is such a gift to be a messenger of this work and it’s my deepest heart’s desire to share it with you. I know you can do it too!

Can we hold space for ourselves in love and compassion, gentleness and kindness? I believe that is what I am here to do in Thailand, to hold space for my spirit to breathe and fly in the loving companionship of the Thai people who smile wherever you go, greeting you from their heart and wanting nothing more than for you to enjoy your time in their paradise. I now realize the same space of love and compassion, gentleness and kindness is the grace that holds our intuitive workshops and classes together- it is the Spirit that flows and evolves old paradigms, negative beliefs and judgments that hold humanity back from being who they are at their core. What better place to work from than love…

The heart is the gateway to your intuition as it is the open door that invites love in, connecting you to all of life. This is where we start in our workshops, and of course where we end. During the intuitive process you open to your inner gifts, your dreams, your passions and love for yourself. As you connect to what you love, your heart opens naturally, then you are able to gently release what was once blocking you.

Fear is typically the biggest block for most people yet the most freeing to let go of. It is the opposite of love therefore it disconnects us from our innate intrinsic connection to love. The anecdote to fear is faith and trust, these powerful vibrations as your dearest friends- they will never lead you astray.

How long can you walk in alignment with your intuition without slipping into fear and negativity, and what’s the easiest way to stay connected?

I gave you the answer at the start of this email, it’s simply to feel the lightness of heart, mind and body, and then to follow that prompting. That’s it!

It does sound easy I know, and I am aware that it’s a big step, bit by bit you will see that all is possible when you believe in yourself and trust your intuition. I am here to help you as I have walked the path before. I’ve laid the foundation with love for you to follow, and I know that it will work for you because I have done it and helped many others.

As you take steps to develop your intuition you will see how magical and loving life really is, that it wants for you to have everything you want- I promise.

To learn more about how to develop your intuition and create the life you love, please contact me personally by sending an email to: and I will set up a free discovery session with you via skpye to support you on your path and show you how following your intuition can work for you!

I feel so called to do this work and share with as many people as possible, so we are opening our payment options to less than $200/month, and full tuition packages at a discount available as well. If you truly ready to live the life you love today then call us now at: 858-531-8434 and my business manager Cy will take your call and let me know that best time that we can set up an interview to talk about the journey ahead!

Your dreams await!

Love you,

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