True Abundance

Today I finally realized the true meaning of abundance. Not the kind of understanding that you think about in your mind, but the kind you feel in your heart.

After spending a long weekend over Labor Day with a newly acquainted friend, I re-discovered the power of opening my heart, this is where true abundance is found.

I have always considered myself to be a very open hearted person but this past weekend I felt my own insecurities and protection mechanisms flare up to protect me. It was as if I was afraid to be really loved, to let someone see my faults, judgements and insecuties. That I wasn’t perfect to have them.

What I found out was the exact opposite. (That is the funny thing about life, always showing us contrast so we can choose what we really want in life.)

I found that by opening to the love in my heart and that of another, I could embrace these darker parts of myself as children and love each and every fear that popped up from within my consciousness.

How funny I thought, to believe that I was not perfect to have such dark thoughts and feelings, then I realized the true purpose for me having them. Had I not experienced the darkness I would never have been so propelled to be a  teacher of the light, I would have never started a business at 19 to serve people and help them find their joy, I would have never had the courage to dance in front of hundreds of people without blinking an eye. I would not be the “I” am today.

Light is found within the heart. As we open our hearts FULLY, true love can be felt and shared. From this place infinite love we can allow it to materialize into financial wealth, relationships, health, etc.
Take a moment to turn within and feel your own heart. Just acknowledge the love and truth that is there and say “I love you.”

It’s not what we give, it’s what we share. From our own full expression of love, we truly can share the gifts of the Spirit.

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