
What is the difference between people who “wish to manifest” and people who actually manifest?…!

I will tell you the secret!

It’s the vibration they exude to the world. It is how they feel about themselves and the world that they send off as an energetic frequency. For example, someone who believes they are supported by the Universe have many people to encourage them along the way. They have a general sense of well-being in the world regarding their mission and purpose in life and will be far more apt to succeed than someone who has low self-esteem, believes the world is against them, and feels they can’t contribute and show up in life unfulfilled.
Please take note not to judge or compare this energetic frequency and description of an EXPERIENCE!

Notice which description fits you.

We have all been in different energetic vibrations at different times in our lives, so take careful note not to judge or compare. From wherever you are at, you can always get to where ever you want to get to, noticing that the journey is the most magical and epic experience you will ever have.

Today when I was running with the San Diego track club, I bit off a little more than I could chew in regards to my run…planning to turn back part way and only run only 10 miles, I finished the 17 miles with wobbling legs! The journey was just too much fun! I had met a new friend which later turned into a potential client conversation. I had no agenda, only to be on purpose, serve others and most IMPORTANTLY, LIVE FOR THE JOY OF RUNNING!

As we talked and shared about our own joy for running, feeling the pavement beneath our feet and the pond at our side, the vibration of joy moved through our bodies. Of course we were not thinking about what to say next or planning our conversation, it simply unfolded naturally as we were ourselves in a “Feeling Good Place!”

Isn’t that true? That the best things happen when you are not even paying attention? I made a new friend and potential client (if it’s our best and highest good to work together), not to mention a great motivator to finish those 17 miles!

Ahh, what a sigh of relief just to know that everything we ask for and need is always on time and on it’s way for the next moment. Isn’t it fun? What an adventure we can have! We don’t even need to ask with our words as much as with our actions and VIBRATION. Whatever we are sending out, we are getting back-obviously! So this can be a really fun game!

On the run today, I asked my friend to do one thing for me…to just dream her biggest dream and believe anything was possible for her, because it is! I offer you the same invitation.

How magnificent would it be to feel the breath of life pulsating through you in every moment, downloading you with unconditional love? Again a sigh of relief, right? Just to know that the Universe has your back.

Try this one on for fun if you want:

If I weren’t afraid I would….

This is a powerful exercise to remove the blocks and limitations in your mind to see beyond them and step into what is even possible! I recommend our Miracle of U coaching program or a personal consultation ( with me, Abby Gooch, in order to further the unraveling process of releasing limitations to discover your own potential and ability to create the life you desire today!

Okay so back to business, here’s the deal…you have NO idea how your life will unfold for you (in the way that you think you do anyways.) You can trust that the highest and best good is happening for you as your life unfolds in the moment right now.

For example, after meeting with a particular person for a job interview as a very part-time nanny, I was sure we would be working together. It just felt so right…

Not so fast!

Turns out the man never called me back. I called a week later and by the next week we finally connected on the phone. Wow, in 5 minutes I learned that his niece was now staying with him, had broken her arm, and that he was so overwhelmed that he just didn’t have to time to talk, let alone think about hiring a nanny. What a disappointment. I was so sure that it was my next step. I agonized over it for a bit and then knew I had to move on. Everything happens for a reason, right?

The next week and the week following was filled with self-love practices. I really took good care of my self and even asked for a few coaching/healing sessions myself!
Going to the deepest level of my own pain, I found the answer within. Where else?..! Here I discovered that the truth (which deep down I always knew, and so do you!) was that I wanted to serve my new clients and live on purpose, FULL OUT! Not part way with a back-up plan. I’m talking about complete trust in the Universe to take my hand, catch me if I fall, and have my back every time. Yes, I wanted it all!

I wanted to share my purpose with the world, inspire myself and others, live with the man of my dreams, have a family, run, dance and play the way angels do…and this is just the beginning!

What does your inner calling asking you to do? Share? Support or serve?

What do you want?

Are you ready to move from a want to the experience of having it…Are you ready to manifest your desire?…!

For me, I had to let go of loving the potential of failing and LOVE THE POTENTIAL OF SUCCEEDING even more! It’s funny how those negative programs or addictive thoughts that we think will support us never do. Insanity, right?! We all have it in us, it’s just really a matter of what we put our focus on.

With both feet in a said YES, I asked God/Spirit to show me the way and show me who to serve. Where are my people? With clear intentions aligned with my Highest Potential, I moved forward.

The way to bring your desire into manifestation is to believe at some level that it has already happened. Your inner knowing or “gut feeling,” (hint, hint, your intuition) knows. Trust it. So, just imagine that you already have what you want now.

What does it look like?

Smell like?

Taste like?

What notices do you hear around you?

Where do you feel the feeling in your body?

Is it a light or heavy feeling? Color or black and white? Does it feel close to you or far away?

I have another little tidbit of info…! The better you feel, the quicker this process will go. Because the Universe is based on attraction and vibration. If you feel good, everything you want in your highest good will come to you! It’s that simple. And really quickly, before we head off to re-acquaint ourselves with our lives, take notice to what makes you feel good and raises your vibration? What makes you feel good about you?

Your “Feeling Good Place!”

For me it’s running, biking, being outdoors, going to the beach, meditation, Yoga, talking with friends, calling my mom or best friend Sigh…

What is it for you?

One of the best ways to connect with yourself is through mediation. It aligns your body, mind and spirit with the Divine, giving you time to observe and choose your life consciously. Yes, it really is the ticket to heaven!

As you feel the presence of the Universe touching your life, you will realize that everything is here for you to enjoy. It’s really only a matter of trusting, deciding and then moving forward in your life that will give you the most peace and satisfaction.

Whatever you do, don’t take things personally as you move along the path of your highest potential. Everyone is living their own reality and looking through their own sunglasses. It may or may not be your own. You and I probably see a glass two different ways, I may notice the depth and you may notice the width. There is no right or wrong way to look at the glass. There is no right or wrong way to look at life. I believe that if we all looked through our hearts and felt with our intuitive selves there would be a world of joy, peace and harmony. But that is just my perception!

The most important thing is to perceive yourself through the eyes of love. Imagine how God/Spirit sees you. Perfect in his/her image and likeness. Divine and perfect, just as you are. Lacking nothing, open to receive all that you desire and give all that you are inspired.

This book is a living treasure of my life. I hope that it inspires you to take your next step, to BOLDLY walk in your truth and know that within you is everything you need to succeed. The Universe will meet you halfway. I hope to see you on the path walking with, beside, behind or ahead of me on the journey!


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