Releasing Blocks

Releasing Blocks

The best way to release a block is to acknowledge how you really feel. Notice the feeling that is stopping your heart from expressing itself and being who you are. For example you may want more abundance but feel guilty for receiving it, or maybe every time you step out there is a rush of anxiety or fear that stops you from taking that first step.

Take a moment to notice how you feel. What emotion or physical feeling is between you and your hearts’ desire.
You may like to finish this sentence: What is stopping me from already having ___________ is
(whatever emotion/belief/thought or physical sensation you feel). If you determine that the only thing that is stopping you is an external circumstance, think again! You current external reality is based on your soul’s choice, current thoughts, emotions and really more than anything your choice in the present moment.

So if you still feel like the reason you can’t have what you want is externally based because you believe there isn’t enough money, time, or someone won’t like what you do…ask yourself what is the feeling underneath that external circumstance (your internal belief manifested.)

For example: You may fear that people will judge you, or that there is not enough time or money for you. So the root at the emotional level is fear. On the physical level (since our bodies are connected to our minds and emotions) where do you feel the emotion. In this case fear.

You may feel it in your stomach, gut, heart, etc. Just notice. Start to get in touch with the feeling. If it was a sound what would it sound like, feel like if you touched it, smell like, taste like, if it was an image what would  it be, what do you sense about it (your psychic sense)?


Fear would sound like: loud horn or siren
Feel like: thick rubber
Smell like: burnt rubber
Taste like: tar
Image: black thick tar I couldn’t get past
Sense: protecting me from getting my feelings hurt

What would you need to know to feel safe? This is your counter belief that you can use as your affirmation to replace the un-truth (negative belief) you once believed.

Counter Belief: Everyone chooses for themselves. I can be me, whatever I am whether potential clients, people or friends agree or not. My actions and thoughts come from love and I express this energy of love towards myself and others daily.

How does the counter belief leave you feeling?

The original belief before starting this process wasn’t working because it wasn’t aligned with love which is the ultimate truth of who you are. If the counter belief is loving and makes you feel good then it’s a keeper! Congratulations.

Now that you are in alignment with love and have a belief that leaves you feeling good about yourself, others and life, go ahead and place your right hand on your heart to anchor this emotional state.

Get in touch with the feeling:


Let an image come to mind that represents this new feeling: Maybe a bird, cloud parting or sun. White dove for me!
What does this feeling sound like: river rushing
Taste like: rose petal tea
Smell like: lilacs
Feel like: smooth sheets
What do you sense about it: a feeling of understanding, culminating to unconditional love of self, of other and life. Acceptance, peace, joy and harmony.

Take this feeling and then intensify it by awakening to all your senses and then place your hand heart again. Notice how you feel.

Perfect, we are almost done! Remember the circumstance, thought, feeling or thing that used to scare you or make you feel uncomfortable. Think about it and as you do gently place your hand on your heart and integrate the new feelings about the situation or old feeling into your body. Notice how you feel now. You will most likely feel empowered about taking your next step and going for it!

Each time it will get easier!

Now that the old energy is gone, your new empowered belief is aligned with the truth of who you are and you can move forward with grace and ease!





PS. Anchoring is a kinesthetic process used to elicit a response from the nervous system and literally re-program your cells to release positive emotional states from your being. To learn more about NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and how anchoring works please feel free to visit our webpage at:

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