I’m flying!I am literally in the air right now, on my way to Thailand for our retreat and to create the next step in the journey of ONE HEART.

You know that feeling between doubt and fear that causes a shift in the heart,

I call it FAITH… the bridge between what we know in our hearts and the space in between the NOW and what’s to be.

The important thing to know is that we are all supported on our soul’s purpose. The inspiration that ignites faith is the call of your heart, gently beckoning you back to the light within.

It is never lost, never alone, and never without love because it is love itself.

As I feel my heart expand to take this journey I have faced many fears, yet the faith that I’m a part of something bigger than myself keeps me going.

I’m so excited to give my Thai friends a hug who I haven’t seen for over 3 years! You can follow this adventure we’re on by following me on Facebook at “Abby Gooch.”The students who will be joining me on the retreat, you, and those I have yet to meet are all a part of that something greater I was telling you about…

That’s why I trust my intuition even when I’m afraid, because I know ” faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.”

– Rabindranath Tagore

If you are not able to travel physically with us to the retreat in Thailand this year but would like to experience the depth of your own intuitive connection, I invite you to tap in…

Trust Your Soul- Intuitive Picture

 I’ve SET IT UP FOR YOU to be able to get access the same Intuitive Factor curriculum that we will be covering LIVE in Thailand!

Here’s What You Will Learn:

1. First Chakra Activation- Creating From The Foundation of Love
2. Second Chakra Activation- Your Intuitive Self
3. Third Chakra Activation- Stepping Into Your Personal Power
4. Fourth Chakra Activation- The Universal Language of Love
5. Fifth Chakra Activation- Your True Expression
6. Sixth Chakra Activation- Live Your Vision
7. Seventh Chakra Activation- Your Sacred Connection To The Universe


8. Activate Your Light, Live Your Purpose
9. Activate Your Soul Blueprint
10. Connecting To Source
11. Manifesting With Energy
12. Be Kind, You are Loved
13. Let Your Purpose Serve You

This 3-month course will create a solid foundation for you to develop your intuitive connection, gifts and purpose this lifetime!It’s not far from your reach, there is a doorway within that leads to greater prosperity, health, and purpose, this very special gift of your intuition is meant to serve you…Just like your lungs fill up with air to keep you alive and your heart pumps blood throughout your body to give you that beautiful glow, your intuition is the wisdom of your soul that guides you moment by moment to live your best life!

Click on the doorway to learn more and join us…

Open Doorway

As we take this journey together we will be given a class listed in the order above plus weekly group coaching meetings that will begin starting May 2nd 2016.




And if you prefer private coaching, please email us at:

Let’s fly!

With Great Love,


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