Amazing Grace

Upon awakening I am filled with joy… the minutes spent in gratitude far out way those spent in sorrow. The truth is that I am free to make this day whatever I choose it to be. Today I choose peace, joy and clarity of heart!

As I walk today…

I am in awe of the beauty on the ocean that sparkles if you look closely at it. The soft bustle of wind I hear dance through the trees. The grace of love that guides my steps and puts me into alignment with my highest potential.

I move into the flow…

I step fully into the river of life and allow the current take me to my destination. I notice that as I step into the flow, everything seems easy. It’s as if something else is guiding me yet I can make my own choices as to where I want to go. Just as the current moves the river, so does my heart stay open to the Life Force flow of energy that moves me forward.

I am grateful…

For all the people who have touched my life and all the opportunities I have had to touch another. It is my greatest joy to see and be seen, to dance in the performance of life and then step back and tell the sob sorry story of how I got there. The sad tears transform into tears of joy as I see with great clarity the perfection of love. My experience of love as my life reflects with joy the beautiful light of my soul.

Stay tuned for daily celebration points. 🙂
posted on Facebook daily: Life Force Connection

Letting The Flow Move You

You know the way that you feel when you a swept away by a force of positivity that just seems to inspire and move you forward? It’s almost like there is no effort, just choice. That is how you know you have entered the flow.

So, how do you connect with this great force of good called The Flow? Well, I will tell you the easiest way is to get clear on what you want. Although it may change from time to time, develop a clear picture of what you would like to have. Then, feel to the positive emotion of having what you want.

When you feel good, you become like a magnet for good things to happen.. Like attracts like, so if you are feeling good, good things will come to you!

Here’s the steps:

1. Decide what you want, truthfully without hesitation or fear. I challenge you to really get honest with yourself and show up authentically. Allow yourself to form a visual image of what you want.

2. Notice how you feel when you think about what you want. If it feels good, claim that vision as yours.
If your vision does not bring you a positive feeling then let that particular picture go! We are only working with what you want to create here!

3. Now, keep focusing on this vision of yours until it becomes real in your mind and you can actually believe that it will happen. Feel it in your core, your gut/intuition. Feel it in your heart and think about it. If any part of you feels in conflict, ask yourself why and then wait until you feel right to move forward in thought, feeling and action.

4. As you look at your vision, imagine yourself living it. What are you thinking, feeling, seeing, etc. From the future moment, looking back to the present, what are the 3 things you did or allowed to have happen?

Write it down.

My 3 steps were:

5. Now, remember a time when you did trust and believe in yourself for something that you really wanted. Take that same feeling you felt back then and bring it into this moment. You can feel the same way now as you did back then! Anchor that feeling by touching your heart for three seconds.

6. Finally, open your arms to receive!

I was just talking with a client yesterday who said since she has been working with me on the Miracle of U coaching program, things have been flowing to her effortlessly. She said she has been opening her arms to receive and really great things are happening for her!

After I talked with her I realized the formula for success!!!!

Feel free to contact me and I would be happy to share my secret!

With joy,

The Pathway of The Heart-Living With Love

Somehow, someway everything works out. If it’s not by chance, it’s by design. I was running down the coast line today and suddenly I realized that everything works together for good. Well okay I knew it before, but I actually felt the power of the Universe moving through the plants and trees of the vegetation around me. I watched the ocean crash on the shore, feeling the movement of the waves rising and then falling.

The trees spoke to me and the wind whispered in my ears. I felt like sparkles of light were raining down on me, feeling the presence of complete unconditional love surround me, the birds sang and people chattered on…the soft midst of the morning air felt crisp and clean, purifying my thoughts from the night before and providing an open space for the creation of my day.

As I listened with my heart and felt the joy of being fully present in the moment, I was filled with self-love and inner peace. I truly was in bliss.

From this place I watched watch my thoughts and then noticed how my body reacted. If a fearful thought crossed my mind, I would automatically slow down to a halt. It was as if my body was controlled by my mind…hint, hint!

Fascinating I thought! Then I would focus on a thought that brought me joy and then notice how much more my body would relax. It became a walk (or run!) in the park…

So if my thoughts were that powerful, imagine what my heart could do! My inspiration to run came from my heart, my ability to start a business when I was 19 came from my heart, and falling in love with my partner definitely came from my heart…a very powerful force!

Remembering the times I followed my heart, I had no regrets. So what did I have to lose if I chose to just trust and listen with my heart?

My angels and guides showed me the course that day. Not only from feeling the intelligence of my heart, but they also took my hand and led me up the steep mountain and then showed me how to glide back down! Giving me the passion to get started and grace to move forward.

Letting Go-

Letting go of fear allows you to open your heart. Fear is created by the mind, or programming we have been told. For example: “Don’t eat or you will get fat, don’t run too long or you will get hurt, don’t talk to strangers…well the truth is for me that when I eat fat (the healthy kind), I get skinnier; that when I run “too” long I feel better (at least 10 miles per day); and that strangers who send out good vibes often become my new friends!

The key is to face your fears and then look at them with love. They usually have a message but the truth underneath them is love. Just choose what you want and be willing to face whatever stands in your way!

What is something you would like to have or experience in your life?
What stands in your way?
How would it feel to have what you want now?
Are you ready?…!

When you perceive from a neutral perceptive, from love, you can usually see the truth and be rational. This puts you at choice instead of reaction!

If you do find yourself in reactionary mode, then just take a step back and acknowledge yourself for what you have done right or good in your own eyes. Then have the courage to make the necessary changes from where you stand in the moment. There may be nothing that you need to change. Maybe you just need to accept exactly where you are right now!

What are ten things that you love about yourself?

Ex: Happy, Kind, Loving, Good Heart, Open Minded, Receptive, Cool, Fun, Intelligent, Athletic

What do you notice about yourself is often what you will see in others, they typically reflect us! Have you ever heard the phrase, if it sticks then it’s yours? Basically that is saying if something upsets you about another person or you are offended by then, typically it’s an energy inside you that is up to clear! Or release it!

What’s the trigger or what sets off the emotion?
What’s the feeling?
When is the first time you felt that feeling? Bring up the scene..who’s involved, where and how old are you, etc?
From an objective perceptive, what’s the truth?
What emotional resources could each person have used that would have allowed them to act in a more positive, healthy and productive way?
Imagine having all those resources back then and now grow yourself up to present time!

This gives you what you need and heals the emotional wound. Replacing it with new positive energy and love!
It’s all love by divine design and yes you are as perfect as you will see yourself to be.

Action Step-
Concept: You are love. Do what you love!!!!

More information at:

Paying It Forward…

Dear Angels,

So The Miracle of U event was a huge success last Thursday evening. Thank you for all of you who came out to enjoy the experience, it was one to remember for many of us!

I’m feeling so grateful to be a part of this moment that I want to offer everyone who reads this letter a gift of a 15-min reading with me. Please note one time only! Please schedule your appointment by responding to this email.

How this Miracle project came about…!

It all started with a spark of passion that felt deeply within my core, leading to an immersion of energy speaking to me in a thousand languages and asking for my voice to share it.

Have you ever felt that way, like there is something special that you have to share, a deep inner knowing just dying to get out!

Well, that was how I felt the day I met my producer on the beach. He was a friend of a friend and I knew when I looked into his eyes I would be doing work with him. I didn’t know how, I just knew I would.

I few weeks later, I connected with him on the phone. I told Jeff that I wanted to get started! My decision to begin is what began The Miracle…

I always knew that we were powerful beings, but I really had no idea how much energy and power was in my own words and how impactful one decision I made could effect everyone around me!

If you could decide to do anything today, what would it be?

So with my decision, providence really did move! We set the wheels in motion, investors came through, people showed up and more opportunities than I expected appeared. From working with the public schools, to Kiwanis clubs, to real-estate agents…my talks grew. I did realize one thing though, people who were listening had to be ready and really want to hear the secrets for creating the lives they desired. It really had to start with them, not me. I was simply the catalyst to bring forth a dream within them that they already had!

Are you ready to live your dream?

So as my dream unfolded, I had my orginal investor ask me to travel to Chicago to do a speaking engagement, finish a product in less than two weeks, and be up and ready to go!!! Of course, I said yes!

Counting down the days, there was no time to waste. I immediately put the wheels of my intention in motion and called on my angels for help! Within two days we had the entire 6-set CD series completed and the workbook was editted a few days later. Un-heard of by my producer who works with many professionals thoughout the USA. “Wow he said, this is really going to reach the entire world!”
I took the compliment with gratitude as I needed all the help I could get to move it forward! The CD set came together with such ease and grace, I knew we were on the right track!

Oh, but then you woudn’t believe it, with the product 90% complete my orginal investor bailed on us! What?…!!! That was one step in the road that was not expected! What to do now…

Have you ever been presented with a situation beyond your control where you just had to _____________


Well, that was me in the moment. Knowing that I was responsible for paying everyone, I felt a load a weight being added to my shoulders. Shoot!

Knowing that there is a solution to every problem, I TRUSTED that God would work it out for me. I had trusted my heart and intuition up to this point, so I couldn’t go wrong. I contacted everyone to let them the status of the situation…

Continually I focused on what was right, the amazing product we had, the people that were buying it, and gift it was to have something completed that we could share. I just knew (my intuition said) it was all going to be okay!

With more people signing up than we could purchase the products at the warehouse, we needed a miracle!

And it appeared!

The weekend previous to this occurence I had been gifted by a Native American chief and his wife to stay in their home on the Viegas Indian Reservation. It was a beautiful experience that still brings tears to my eyes.

The family purchased the product and went on to support me in my other ways, including some amazing experiences of connecting to the land, mother earth, nature, and Spirit. I could also feel the spirits on the land of the fellow natives, their joy, pains, etc. Their stories touched my heart and their spirit inspired me to have more courage and connection with my own inner self.

During my time on the reservation I had an opportunity to talk business with Anthony. I actually considered asking him if he would like to be a part of the investment opportunity for The Miracle of U. He was a very wise business man and had the integrity of the type of people who work with Life Force Connection.

A week or so later, I dialed Anthony’s number on my phone follow up with my inclination to ask him about the investment opporunity…
“Hello he said, this is Anthony. ”
” Hi Anthony, this is Abby, how are you?”
“Oh I’m pretty good he replied, I just landed in Australia a few hours ago and I’m just getting aclamated to the new envionment.”

“Wait,” I though to myself, this is biazzare! There is no way Anthony could have flewn to Australia in that time. I had just seen him the night before! Then it hit me, I was talking to a different Anthony!!!

I had to laugh…I mean really want were the odds!
I was so excited to connect with this Anthony after I realized who I really was talking to! A different Anthony! Gotta love speed dial these days!

I listened intently for a while and we shared a few laughs back and forth. I let him know that The Miracle was taking off. With my guides screaming at me saying, “this is your new investor, I had to laugh.” I had no intention of asking this Anthony to invest but I followed my guidance… within minutes he said he would love to be a part of it!

How funny! What happened in that moment was far beyond what I would have ever thought, but the power of heart and Spirit aligned for a miracle to occur!

Since then more people have signed up for the program and it simply keeps expanding on it’s own principles. To listen to the Miracle of U feel free to visit:

Sometimes things happen that we really feel are out of our hands…and that my friends is when the miracles occur!

Many blessings and love to you all.

With joy,

The Miracle Of U is a guide to discovering your true nature. In this program and in you lies real treasure.

Sonia Choquette

NY Times Bestselling Author

Stumbling Upon Abundance…!

After spending a couple of hours marketing our new product, The Miracle of U audio series, I rewarded myself with a walk…ahh the beauty of nature.

As I was walking along with my friend, I literally stumbled upon dozens of pennies that were partially buried in the ground. I started laughing and jumping with glee, “I’m rich, I’m rich!”

I know you are are probably thinking they are only pennies but none the less, it was still money! “I am a money magnet,” some would say!

I was watching just how quickly my thoughts were manifesting that day. I woke up saying:

” I have money. My business is thriving. I am peaceful and calm. All is well in my world. I market to just the right people in just the right way.”

And this is really what happened that day. I found money, received money, business picked up, I felt peaceful and calm…all really was well in my world. My assistant and I were meeting people where ever we went, we seemed to be the “attraction factor,” at least for a couple of hours…or maybe it was the CD set we were holding in our hands!

Do you see how the affirmations I began my day with, became my day? It really is that easy if you believe!

Where are you abundant in your life now?

What would you like to create more of?

Who do you want to be today? Abundantly wealthy?…!

What would that look like….Just let your imagination run wild!

Believing In Yourself

So what does it mean to really believe in yourself? To believe you are the “next best thing!” I think not! Believing in yourself is a humble knowing, a connection to Source that understands and trusts the flow of the Universe, believing that all things are working together for your good. That no one outside yourself can make you successful, powerful, happy, sad or even mad. That it is really up to you…

Isn’t that empowering to know that everything is your creation and you can choose something in the moment, or not?…!

Whatever you focus on expands, that is the truth. If you take a complete look at your magnificence and really see just how amazing you are, I can promise you that your confidence will laugh away anything that could possibly disturb your peace.

What are you good at?

What are three things (you may want to go to ten) that you love about yourself?

What would make you a happier person right now, in this moment?…!

Not Taking Things Personal!

Today I decided that I wouldn’t take things personally anymore, that I was totally responsible for how I felt and that no one could make me feel bad and I didn’t ever have to take on their problems…does that sound familiar to any of you?…!

Having an amazing mother who taught me how to give, love and share, I realized that I needed to start treating myself with the same respect I treated others. To really give to myself, love myself and share my own love with myself.  Wow, what a gift huh?

As I’ve started to love myself more and more everyday, I realize that life is a process and the more we love ourselves, the more we can create and receive. Because we are made in the image and likeness of God, if we don’t love ourselves
( if we hate or deny ourselves) it is hard to connect with flow of love. It’s around us and in us, but our heart is the connecting point and we must be open to receive….

Open to Receive

When someone gives you a gift, you say thank you right? Well it’s the same way with our gifts. God has given us many, it’s our choice to decide how to use them and to open each one as we choose.

What gift have you opened lately? (IE something you have discovered about yourself)

What do you want to know more of about yourself?

What makes your heart sing?

As you receive yourself, you will begin to receive others better.

Just to receive is to live. To give is to achieve happiness. When we give to another we are really giving to ourselves. Without receiving you cannot give. Without receiving you cannot live!

Feeling worthy and valuable

You are worth it! Every penny, every moment, every breath!

Yes it is you you have been waiting for. You are your own Savior as you discover the miracle of you every day you will see yourself clearly and know that you are worth it!

This is true abundance. It starts and ends with YOU!

All My Love,


P.S. The Miracle of U, the book, is being released July 4, 2010. Call us at: 858-531-8434 if you want to be on the list for a copy hot off the press! E-books are available as well.

Catch Up To Love

Been trying to Meditate but having trouble?

When you activate a negative vibration or impulse you make it stronger, move back into love to release it. For example, if you feel anger and act on it, you usually hurt yourself and others. If you feel confusion or irritation and act on that, you get that as a result back. The best thing to do if you find yourself getting caught up in these negative emotions is to MEDITATE!!!! Step back, chill out and relax!!!

Here’s a short recording of the CD…for more complete version you are welcome to visit my site at:

Lots of love,


Infinite Love

Infinite love seems to be the answer. It casts out fear. All fear… Fear of the unknown, the future, success, etc. It is the answer to all of your prayers. With it, you can accomplish anything that is in alignment with your soul purpose i.e.,  your INTUITION!

It really is that easy, I promise! Do you trust me?

Your being is beautiful, you are Divine! Get out of your head (move from figuring it out and analysis paralysis) to align with the Divine in your heart center. I had an amazing experience this week connecting with a dear friend and Theta practitioner, Jamie Thompson:; she taught me how to love in a new way…

Jamie’s heart was open and kind, reminding me of how I feel when working with clients. The Divine Presence of the energetic transfer between the two of us was powerful. The love was infinite, yet contained within our own individual bodies. As part of the healing session, I looked into her eyes to release unwanted emotional patterns from my body. As I focused on the features of her face, they slowly began to change. Her two eyes became one, her smile was brighter and her face transformed to an older version of herself. As I continued to stare, her third eye opened for me to see, and literally both eyes were one. ONE BIG EYE that took up part of her forehead! She began to speak very softly, “Just breathe and feel the energy, we are in the Theta brain wave state.”

There was nothing that could go wrong in this state of being, as if our hearts and activated souls became one with the Divine. It was complete bliss. From the light of love we were born from, we returned.

The mind, as we perceived it, then became a projection of our beliefs, like a computer file would download onto a screen. Detaching for a moment and from our beliefs, we entered into the SPACIOUSNESS of the moment and into the nothingness of life. The unconditional love was all that remained. Truth.

Life is a funny, yet challenging, adventure because sometimes these silly beliefs, or pre-programmed ideas, get projected unto the screen called life! For those of you who have seen the Matrix, that is a perfect example.

We think a thought and that immediately creates an emotional response that our body acts on in order to produce a result. Whether we like it or not, it’s simply a matter of chemistry, unless you have the ability to tap into your intuition and see the moment objectively.  This is the basis of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), an integrative process I use in my coaching work.

Thought>>>Emotion>>>Action = Result

When you change your thought, the emotion changes, thus so does the action and result. Our intuitive sense has the ability to transcend all thoughts and emotions, thus putting you in control by choosing to align with the Divine flow of love.

My work, as an Intuitive Success Coach, is to elevate people’s consciousness to the soul level and facilitate the process of their awakening to the light of love that they are (we all are) ! By clearing out the blocks and negativity, the old unconscious beliefs that once may have run your life, you can clearly begin to see your soul and share your unique gifts with the world. Now is the time to live a purposeful life and bring it into fruition. I will help you every step of the way to see your beautiful soul, to live your epic experience, and to manifest your dreams into reality!

For a personal session with me, please visit us at We offer a free 15 min. consultation or discounted introductory readings.

Things happen as they are supposed to. Once you make the CHOICE to serve the light and align with the Divine, the Life Force will move and support you. Rest assured. You are always watched over and protected in every moment. Everything is supporting you. Your intuition will transcend all thoughts or emotions if you surrender to the Divine flow of the Universe.

“Follow your passion, that is your heart speaking to you. Listen to your body, that is your spirit speaking to you. Follow your intuition, that is your soul guiding you.”

With joy,


Serving With Joy

The joy of serving comes from love. Since you and I are one in spirit yet two embodied, the only identity difference is who we call ourselves. I am….lawyer, rich, poor, sad etc. It really doesn’t matter who you call yourself today because tomorrow it could be something totally different. I’m personally on an adventure to discover who I can serve, who I am and who I am here to be so people will receive the message of love I come to share.

I was talking with my mom this morning who reminded me that we are all in this together, all of us have a purpose. It is a matter of finding it by listening to our heart and dropping into our own core. Not someone elses’, but our own.

What makes you happy?

Do it!

I’m really just trying to get you in touch with your heart so you can feel your own priceless purpose. For me, I had to leave everything I loved (except my car) to find my own purposeful path. It just seemed too easy to live from my mind and so I had to step into my heart. From my heart, came my connection to my intuition. When I speak of “the mind”, I am referring to the constant mind-chatter or monkey-mind that creates the stories of our lives. Most of it is not even real and the few that are real are the miracles of our lives. The beauty of love is what creates. Serving with joy is a step in the right direction but the true manifestation occurs when a loving thought comes into your heart and you act on it!

Coming back from an amazing experience working with a client today showed me that what we have inside us is really the same as one another. Every experience can either bring us closer to God or further away . It’s all in how we choose to look at the situation.

The quickest way to to move into your purpose is to love yourself enough to follow your freedom. The feeling of freedom releases you from the chains of restrictions, judgments and pain. The freedom to be who you are. Love.

How does it feel. What would you do?

I woke up this morning with the angels speaking to me in more ways than one saying, “When your love is > greater than your judgment, you will be free!”

How to find safety within this freedom?

Speaking from experience, I first discovered freedom to be a very empowering experience, at the same time a very frightening one. With all of these choices, which ones should I choose? I would literally walk down a road and then at the intersection, not know which way to turn…hilarious, I know! I had to laugh too…!

The first thing to ask yourself is, where are you going?

And why?

The mind is like a very smart two year old. It needs instruction. If you listen to your heart and drop into your core, as I mentioned above, you will find your way. “Lost” is your feeling that you are not on a path that serves your highest good.

Stop. Breathe. Feel.

Step in the direction that feels best.

Every feeling has a purpose and a message. The key is to listen to your feelings and then move yourself to the highest vibration through your thoughts. For example, if you are feeling depressed or sad, you may ask yourself what that feeling is telling you. It may be saying that you need to get out of your current job and follow your passion, or maybe that you are lonely and need to be available for more people to see?

Our feelings are our teachers…

Feeling _______ is just the way that this part wants me to, what’s even more important than that?


Say “happiness” is your highest priority. Now imagine that you have a creative part of you that has an answer to everything. Ask that part to tell you how to create whatever feeling you want. What actions will you need to take?

To be happy you may need to move around and dance. Feel your body and then think about what career might fit your needs…!

This is called “parts integration”. Give it a whirl and you might just be able to be happy right now! The safety and love you are looking for is always inside you and I if we just listen to our feelings and trust the next moment to unfold perfectly for our best and highest good.

Bliss is in the moment, every moment.




What is the difference between people who “wish to manifest” and people who actually manifest?…!

I will tell you the secret!

It’s the vibration they exude to the world. It is how they feel about themselves and the world that they send off as an energetic frequency. For example, someone who believes they are supported by the Universe have many people to encourage them along the way. They have a general sense of well-being in the world regarding their mission and purpose in life and will be far more apt to succeed than someone who has low self-esteem, believes the world is against them, and feels they can’t contribute and show up in life unfulfilled.
Please take note not to judge or compare this energetic frequency and description of an EXPERIENCE!

Notice which description fits you.

We have all been in different energetic vibrations at different times in our lives, so take careful note not to judge or compare. From wherever you are at, you can always get to where ever you want to get to, noticing that the journey is the most magical and epic experience you will ever have.

Today when I was running with the San Diego track club, I bit off a little more than I could chew in regards to my run…planning to turn back part way and only run only 10 miles, I finished the 17 miles with wobbling legs! The journey was just too much fun! I had met a new friend which later turned into a potential client conversation. I had no agenda, only to be on purpose, serve others and most IMPORTANTLY, LIVE FOR THE JOY OF RUNNING!

As we talked and shared about our own joy for running, feeling the pavement beneath our feet and the pond at our side, the vibration of joy moved through our bodies. Of course we were not thinking about what to say next or planning our conversation, it simply unfolded naturally as we were ourselves in a “Feeling Good Place!”

Isn’t that true? That the best things happen when you are not even paying attention? I made a new friend and potential client (if it’s our best and highest good to work together), not to mention a great motivator to finish those 17 miles!

Ahh, what a sigh of relief just to know that everything we ask for and need is always on time and on it’s way for the next moment. Isn’t it fun? What an adventure we can have! We don’t even need to ask with our words as much as with our actions and VIBRATION. Whatever we are sending out, we are getting back-obviously! So this can be a really fun game!

On the run today, I asked my friend to do one thing for me…to just dream her biggest dream and believe anything was possible for her, because it is! I offer you the same invitation.

How magnificent would it be to feel the breath of life pulsating through you in every moment, downloading you with unconditional love? Again a sigh of relief, right? Just to know that the Universe has your back.

Try this one on for fun if you want:

If I weren’t afraid I would….

This is a powerful exercise to remove the blocks and limitations in your mind to see beyond them and step into what is even possible! I recommend our Miracle of U coaching program or a personal consultation ( with me, Abby Gooch, in order to further the unraveling process of releasing limitations to discover your own potential and ability to create the life you desire today!

Okay so back to business, here’s the deal…you have NO idea how your life will unfold for you (in the way that you think you do anyways.) You can trust that the highest and best good is happening for you as your life unfolds in the moment right now.

For example, after meeting with a particular person for a job interview as a very part-time nanny, I was sure we would be working together. It just felt so right…

Not so fast!

Turns out the man never called me back. I called a week later and by the next week we finally connected on the phone. Wow, in 5 minutes I learned that his niece was now staying with him, had broken her arm, and that he was so overwhelmed that he just didn’t have to time to talk, let alone think about hiring a nanny. What a disappointment. I was so sure that it was my next step. I agonized over it for a bit and then knew I had to move on. Everything happens for a reason, right?

The next week and the week following was filled with self-love practices. I really took good care of my self and even asked for a few coaching/healing sessions myself!
Going to the deepest level of my own pain, I found the answer within. Where else?..! Here I discovered that the truth (which deep down I always knew, and so do you!) was that I wanted to serve my new clients and live on purpose, FULL OUT! Not part way with a back-up plan. I’m talking about complete trust in the Universe to take my hand, catch me if I fall, and have my back every time. Yes, I wanted it all!

I wanted to share my purpose with the world, inspire myself and others, live with the man of my dreams, have a family, run, dance and play the way angels do…and this is just the beginning!

What does your inner calling asking you to do? Share? Support or serve?

What do you want?

Are you ready to move from a want to the experience of having it…Are you ready to manifest your desire?…!

For me, I had to let go of loving the potential of failing and LOVE THE POTENTIAL OF SUCCEEDING even more! It’s funny how those negative programs or addictive thoughts that we think will support us never do. Insanity, right?! We all have it in us, it’s just really a matter of what we put our focus on.

With both feet in a said YES, I asked God/Spirit to show me the way and show me who to serve. Where are my people? With clear intentions aligned with my Highest Potential, I moved forward.

The way to bring your desire into manifestation is to believe at some level that it has already happened. Your inner knowing or “gut feeling,” (hint, hint, your intuition) knows. Trust it. So, just imagine that you already have what you want now.

What does it look like?

Smell like?

Taste like?

What notices do you hear around you?

Where do you feel the feeling in your body?

Is it a light or heavy feeling? Color or black and white? Does it feel close to you or far away?

I have another little tidbit of info…! The better you feel, the quicker this process will go. Because the Universe is based on attraction and vibration. If you feel good, everything you want in your highest good will come to you! It’s that simple. And really quickly, before we head off to re-acquaint ourselves with our lives, take notice to what makes you feel good and raises your vibration? What makes you feel good about you?

Your “Feeling Good Place!”

For me it’s running, biking, being outdoors, going to the beach, meditation, Yoga, talking with friends, calling my mom or best friend Sigh…

What is it for you?

One of the best ways to connect with yourself is through mediation. It aligns your body, mind and spirit with the Divine, giving you time to observe and choose your life consciously. Yes, it really is the ticket to heaven!

As you feel the presence of the Universe touching your life, you will realize that everything is here for you to enjoy. It’s really only a matter of trusting, deciding and then moving forward in your life that will give you the most peace and satisfaction.

Whatever you do, don’t take things personally as you move along the path of your highest potential. Everyone is living their own reality and looking through their own sunglasses. It may or may not be your own. You and I probably see a glass two different ways, I may notice the depth and you may notice the width. There is no right or wrong way to look at the glass. There is no right or wrong way to look at life. I believe that if we all looked through our hearts and felt with our intuitive selves there would be a world of joy, peace and harmony. But that is just my perception!

The most important thing is to perceive yourself through the eyes of love. Imagine how God/Spirit sees you. Perfect in his/her image and likeness. Divine and perfect, just as you are. Lacking nothing, open to receive all that you desire and give all that you are inspired.

This book is a living treasure of my life. I hope that it inspires you to take your next step, to BOLDLY walk in your truth and know that within you is everything you need to succeed. The Universe will meet you halfway. I hope to see you on the path walking with, beside, behind or ahead of me on the journey!


Living Your Soul Purpose

Last night I had an awakening of my own soul purpose calling to me at an even deeper level than ever before. I could feel the energy of my heart chakra open and flood me with light. I had crossed over to the other side again. This time by love and joy, not pain and suffering. This time by self-love and passion.

Coming down from my Yoga hand stand that I held for 3 times (a record breaker for me!), I felt my fear dissipate and leave my body. I felt the love of Source, Loving Mother Earth, Nature, God, and All That Is hold me in it’s arms.

The beauty of wondrous love poured through my system. For days I had been in conflict between my heart and intuition. My heart said one thing, my intuition another! Confusing to say the least…

Underneath all the conflict, I knew there had to be peace. Lying in the Savasna resting pose, a vision came to me of a gateway to my heart center, the gate opened to unconditional love.  Suffering no more, embracing love, my own connection to Source.

From this heart centered place, we can all  feel connected to God/Source and then dive even deeper into the experience of Our Soul. Our Soul is the intuitive part of our being that is connected to our gut. It’s that inner knowing of our innate wisdom.

The Soul knows only the truth and it is connected to our Divine Essence, which is unconditional love. Our primary foundational purpose on this planet is to love and be loved. Beyond that, each of us have our own special talents and gifts that, if used properly, can serve the world at large.

The way to connect with your own soul purpose is to ask for assistance. To be willing to see yourself as God sees you and to open to the highest truth of love.

As I opened the gateway to my heart center, I noticed a tunnel leading straight down to the core of the earth, straight to the light. If you can imagine a globe with a light radiating orange, yellow and deep red in the very center, that is what I saw.

I fell down this tunnel and then slowly rose up through the earth, through the soil, as a root emerging with life. I could feel my journey upwards touching the lights of others along my path, other roots and plants hidden in the soil, little gems that made my heart smile. Feeling the deep support of the Universe, I arose from the Yoga pose feeling peacefully surrendered and committed to my purpose once again, with a new level of awareness now.  I felt the presence of the other students in the Yoga class, like my brothers and sisters of the Light. This same energy spread out to meet the hands of humanity as we walked together.