Staying Tuned In

Did you ever wonder what makes something “click” into place in your life? Like there is some imagery flow that connects everything together and when you are in alignment with it, things just “click,” like that!

Take a moment to snap your fingers, notice how in this very instant you can click having what you want into place!

When you are tuned in, things just feel right. True alignment is about LOVE. It is aligning in every moment to love. That is where your intuition will guide you. If you trust life as a reflection of love, you can find the truth and healing in even the most upsetting times of war, pain or trauma. While I’m not advocating any of this I do think that love can be found in every moment. If we listen to the intuition within…

If you begin to trust love over the fears that constantly pop up in your mind, then your intuition will get stronger because you are listening to the life force energy of LOVE within you…


Listen to your heart and the peace within.


Growing Your Income

In teaching intuitive development for over 14 years, I have yet to find someone or myself not fully resourced enough to grow their income. Funny thing is that often we forget just how powerful we forget just how powerful we are. The resources I’m speaking of are our God given gifts, there’s nothing you need to do to earn your gifts, the are yours.

To find your intuitive gifts is to tap into the innate power of love within you, that will illuminate your inner path. From here, you can create your life as you want it. This power within can be cultivated by going to your heart space where true love and joy can be found, no matter who you are with or where you are in the world.

As you listen to your heart, you can start to feel the life force energy of love pulsating through you and moving through every living thing.

This is life in motion…

Alignment with life happens when who you are being on the inside matches the outside. Inner conflict is created by a thought about the moment rather than being fully in the moment. If you listen with your heart to the life force energy of love within and around you, your next step will feel good, natural and easy because it is aligned with the love that you are.

I remember the first time I stepped off the plane in Phuket, Thailand back in 2013. At the time I didn’t speak any Thai, yet there was another language I became present to, it was The Universal Language of LOVE- it was the universal heart of love that we all share. I could see it in each person’s eyes, I could feel it in my own soul.

Flashback to my childhood, I remember looking into my own eyes and seeing compassion behind the pain, abuse, trauma and judgement I had experienced. That in some small spark of my eye, this light within could grow and somehow illuminate the world with my love. It’s creativity expressed through me, through you… this light of love is your soul’s expression.

Sometimes people ask me, “how do I use my gifts, what’s next?” Here’s the truth:

Your path will find you.

Remember it’s not outside of you, it’s within. Let the light of love illuminate your path and the sparkle in your eye turn into the sun. Then you will see love’s expression in every form.

As a young teenager and into adulthood I would see people from this place of love, like I had Love’s sunglasses on, and somehow seeing the world through this lens made life more bearable and it actually started to make sense from a perspective of love, otherwise it was all too confusing!

In the following chapter (or blog post/newsletter if you are reading this excerpt now), I will teach you how to access your inner emotional resources to flourish and thrive in your life.

For now, just simply focus on your heart – feel the love within and around you, and let your intuition guide you.

Listen to the soft whisper of your soul and beckon to it’s call…

Click here to set up your Free Intuitive Success Coaching Consultation with me.


With Great Love,

Abby Gooch, Founder of Life Force Connection & One Heart Global

Making The Choice

The power of choice is our ability to co-create the lives we want…

It’s our infinite capacity to harness the power for good in our lives, THE ONLY REAL POWER IS LOVE.

Underneath all the pain, the sadness and the anger of the world is the need to be loved, to be understood and held in love’s embrace. What if in this moment you could feel God, the PRESENCE OF LOVE holding you now? Breathe it in, you got this!

As you breathe love in, you will feel your body expand with more energy. It’s the way LIFE works, life expands. Fear constricts. Start to bring the power of love into your life where you feel afraid, it will slowly or sometimes quickly release the constriction where fear used to be.

What are you really afraid of? AND…

What is the truth?

As you move into the truth, you will be inspired to listen to your intuition.

Your intuition is your innate power, life force energy, LOVE, and the connection to the truth within you.

Listen with your heart, don’t speak, just FEEL. What is your heart telling you?

The softness and love of your heart will open you up to the wisdom of your soul.

Listen with your heart, the love will then guide you to respond from a place of love rather than the fear. The evolving soul’s presence will grow with love because love is who you are!

Then I invite you to have a conversation with someone else from this place. Watch what possibilities start to open up for you and another; from love’s infinite expression there is always a solution to every perceived problem in life.

Love will call you back home to who you are.



From Fear To LOVE


I’m getting ready to release my next book The Universal Language of LOVE and I wanted to give you a little sneak peak!

So, here we go!

From Fear To Love ~

From fear to love takes TRUST. Not trust in someone else or something else, but trust in yourself. Trust in the Divine within you, meaning the love within you. The light of God/Source/The Universe whatever Life Force energy you would like to call it. This source of love speaks to you through your intuition, it is the light of love, the light of LOVE IS GOD.

Breathe the light within you, breathe the love of God within you. Imagine a beautiful ball of white golden light at the center of your belly, fill this space with the light of God. Imagine that you are breathing in all of life’s beauty, wonder and joy, accessing the higher frequencies of love, joy, peace and satisfaction.

New Belief Shift – So knowing that our inner experience creates our outer we can focus on how we can shift our inner landscape to then create more of what we want to create in our lives. It is true that we cannot control another person, but we can control our reaction to or experience of them.

I remember when one of my past boyfriends left me, I immediately made a choice, i.e. decision that I wasn’t worthy of love. While this wasn’t true at a fundamental level, because it felt true, it became true. That’s simply how our neurology works! The brain always makes associations whether positive or negative. Here’s the great thing, we can shift any negative belief you have about yourself or another into a positive more empowering belief. And then help you create a new reality for yourself!

Here’s how!

#1: Set your intention. Our free will is meant to be used as our ability to create and if we use it only for love based thoughts, actions and intention, in my experience, things just work out because they are rooted in the foundation of LOVE. Like a strong tree, those roots of love grow deep.

So what is love?

Such a broad topic I believe I can only scratch the surface of. Although I have experienced it’s depths in relationship both personally and professionally, I can only tell you of my experiences in this book which will hopefully inspire you to both remember and create your own.

Truth is love is an infinite power, it is in everyone and every living thing, it has a life force energy that can be felt by the heart and experienced by the soul. You can feel this connection at your center, again bring the brilliant white golden light to your belly and you cannot help but feel your core, your connection to the Universe within you.

I look forward to guiding you deeper into your soul’s connection to continue to create and to manifest your best life!

Click here to schedule a FREE Intro Intuitive Success Coaching Session.


With Great Love,

Abby Gooch, Founder of Life Force Connection & One Heart Global

Matters of The Heart

Just a couple of days ago my boyfriend and I were sitting on my patio and we both jumped up as we heard a loud THUD! My grandpa had just hit his head on the cement behind his house and his head was bleeding from the impact. Suddenly everything became crystal clear, everything that mattered…

THE HEART, the love we shared and the moment of coming together in our hearts for the simple purpose of love. What if this was our primary purpose for being here on this planet, to love and be loved.

We spent that evening with my grandparents making sure they got what they needed, that each step they took, we were by their side.

It reminded me of a childhood memento of a plate where a little girl was kneeling at her grandpa’s feet. That night, at 34 yrs. old I found myself doing just that! Kneeling at his feet, the humility and power of feeling his heart so close to mine was precious, I knew and he knew that our days are numbered.

So, what good thing can you do today? How can you touch someone’s heart with your love?

The possibilities are endless, I would love to know who you share your heart with… join our Facebook community here.

And if you would like to schedule a Free Intuitive Success Coaching Consultation with me or one of our coaches, please email:


With Great Love,


Abby Gooch, Founder of Life Force Connection & One Heart Global