Chakra Yoga!
Bringing the art and science of intuition, Yoga, & meditation…
Every Saturday 7pm @ Sesshin Art
Sesshin Art derives from the Buddist term “sesshin” which means “touching the heart-mind” or “gathering the mind.” In Zen practice a sesshin is an intensive meditation retreat where practitioners deepen their awareness and connection to their true selves..
You are invited to join us for an incredible journey into the heart of your intuition by activating your energy centers to come into alignment with your highest potential and LIVE IT!
- Achieve your goals
- Manifest your destiny
- Clear internal blocks
- Feel amazing in your body
- Get in Touch With Your Intuition To Fulfill Your Soul’s Purpose
960 Second St. Encinitas, CA
Contact Information: 858-692-4555
REGISTRATION HERE $20 Pre-register
$25 at the door

Weekly Schedule of Classes at Life Force Connection
Saturday & Sunday 10am -6pm – Intuitive Success Coaching Certification Training in person LIVE @ Encinitas, CA location
(Click here for description & details)
Saturday 7pm – Chakra Yoga @ Sesshin Art
Monday 4-6pm – Intuitive Development 101
Tuesday 4-6 – The Intuitive Child Open Play Sessions
(Click here for details)
Wednesday 5-7 Online Intuitive Success Club Training
(Click here for details)
Thursday 4-6 – Online Intuitive Success Club Training
(Click here for details)
To sign up for any class or certification please email:
Phone: 858-692-4555
Abby E. Gooch, Founder of Life Force Connection & The Intuitive Child
Abby is an Intuitive Success Coach, Author, Speaker and Teacher who trains men, women and children throughout the world to develop their intuitions to heal and create lives they love. She is the Founder of Life Force Connection, The Intuitive Child, One Heart Global and the author of Touch The Light, The Miracle of U and the Intuitive Success Coaching Process and Certification Program.
Her work with children and adults began professionally when she opened her professional practice at age 19 and went on to build a wellness center, certification school, and now travels the world for the non-profit One Heart Global to support the children of our world to have homes of love and safety, and to provide them with the intuitive education to succeed in life. The Intuitive Child program was approved in the public school system in 2023 and is now in multiple schools.
Main Site:
Kids Program:
Non-profit site for kids:
Adult Program: www.theintuitivesuccessclub.
Among the sacred trees of our ancestors, and in the safety of a healing sanctuary that feels like home, we invite you to join us for a seven-day elevation of your soul. Listen, integrate, experience, and learn how to create the life you desire and set your heart on a path to higher love, prosperity, and service.
Immersion into safety to feel the unconditional love of your soul and like-minded community, to feel connection to nature, meditation, and intuitive interactive exercises that brings you into greater Presence. Discover what you need to feel safe, supported, and loved in every moment.
Gentle Yoga Flow
Drum circle, fire pit

Intuitive Success Coaching Certification:
Connecting to the Heart of Your Intuition
Feel your connection to your intuition through play, exercise, and guided meditation. Explore new possibilities by trusting the wisdom of your intuition and exploring infinite possibilities.
Walk through Live Oak Park (Hug Trees, Paint rocks, Meditation)
Day 3: Monday, June 26 – Stepping Into Your Power
From the place of your true power, centered in love, powerfully decide how you want to create and live your life. Open your heart to receiving your highest good.
Guided Sacred Dance
Card readings
Day 4: Tuesday, June 27 – Forgiveness and Release
Release what no longer serves you and forgive those who have hurt you. Open the space for the new energetic frequencies of greater love, success, prosperity, and healing.
“I See You” Exercise
*Release Ceremony (fire)

Day 5: Wednesday, June 28 – Your Full Expression
Feel your true, authentic, full expression. Release any blocks from fully expressing your truth and being who you are. Be received by others with great love and acceptance. See yourself clearly through the eyes of Love.
Storybook exercise
*Art Expression

Day 6: Thursday, June 29 – Living your Vision
Embody your full expression and live your vision. Take the next right action steps moving forward.
Share your story/Share your power
Heart Exchange (Heart Note cards – 10 positive attributes of each student)
Day 7: Friday, June 30 – Your Sacred Connection to the Universe
Mediate on your vision
Chakra Rainbow/Affirmations
Grounding and Balance: Embodying highest potential
Illuminated Light Meditation

Save your spot here. Limited space available. Deposit required to hold spot. Full fee must be paid by June 20, 2023.