The more you love, the more you open. You always win when you love. Love is the greatest energy there is and if you continue to let yourself love and be loved you will continue to grow. Love is the food of the Universe 🙂
Zen Entrepreneur
Rizwan Virk’s thoughts on Entrepreneurship, Startups, Zen, Meditation, Dreams, Yoga, Venture Capital, Synchronicity, Science Fiction, Films, MIT and Stanford Business School (MBA)
Monday, December 05, 2011
The Curious Case of Steve Jobs: Intuition and the Entrepreneur
“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
– Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement, 2005
Wow it’s been a long time since I’ve written an entry (the last once was written just before I sold my iPhone gaming company, Gameview Studios, to DeNA) in 2010.I’d like to re-start my blog with two topics that are dear and near to my heart: following your intuition and the death of Steve jobs.
Steve’s death on October 5, 2011 caused a literal outflowing of emotion, analysis and opining:hundreds, perhaps thousands of pages have been written in the last month alone since his death.And that’s not counting Walter Isaacson’s 600 plus page biography.
Some of these focused on his achievements at Apple and Pixar, some on his tumultuous personality, some on his “insanely great” products like the Mac and the iPhone, some on how he ran Apple after his comeback, some on the impact he’s had on (count them) at least five different industries, some comparing him to Walt Disney and Henry Ford combined.
So…what’s left to say?
For me one of the most inspiring (and overlooked) aspects of Jobs’ career and philosophy was his reliance on his own intuition even in the face of the “noise of others’ opinions”.I haven’t seen much written on it, so using his own words as much as possible, here goes:
Most writers about successful business persons like to try to reduce what they did to a set of pithy “principles” you can follow to be just “like Mike”. With Jobs, I think that’s pretty much impossible.It’s like asking for the “step-by-step formula” for how to “think different”!If it could be reduced to a formula…well you get the point.
Intuition vs. Analysis
Jobs attributed much of his success to his ability to follow his own “inner knowing”, even when analysts and the “experts” disagreed.He was quoted as saying he hated focus groups because consumers “don’t know what they want until we show it to them”.Instead, he insisted on having an “intuitive” feel for when a product was “just right” and when it felt “wrong”.
This is pretty much the opposite of what you will learn from business schools (even more progressive west coast ones like Stanford) about building products and companies. It’s even different from what most venture capitalists and startup gurus here in the valley will tell you – which is to analyze a market, make sure the analysis confirms that the market is “big enough”, then interview the people in that market to find out their needs.It’s kind of ironic that one of the biggest icons of Silicon Valley would disagree with the way business is being done here.
Tim Cook, who replaced Jobs as the CEO at Apple, talks about following his own intuition when he decided to join Apple after meeting with Jobs.“Engineers are taught to make a decision analytically but there are times when relying on gut or intuition are indispensable.”
Where did Jobs get this mindset from?A big part of his reliance on intuition vs. analysis came as a result of his own search for truth.When he was young, he dropped out of Reed College (again the opposite of what logic would tell you to do if you want to be a successful entrepreneur) and followed his own intuition down several notable paths.
The first path, his quest for enlightenment, led him first on a trip to India chasing some guru, and later transformed into his study of Zen meditation here in the Bay area.“The people in the Indian countryside don’t use their intellect like we do, “ said Jobs.“They use their intuition instead, and their intuition is far more developed than in the restof the world.”
He concluded with: “Intuition is a very powerful thing.” (src: Isaacson’s biography).
Continuing his search for enlightenment when he came back to the US in the 1970’s he experimented with Zen meditation (an interest he kept up for the rest of his life) and mind-altering drugs (which as far as I know, he did not keep up for the rest ofhis life).Now I can’t speak for LSD (since I’ve never taken it), but I can vouch that meditation can be indispensible for learning about different states of mind and teaching you how to follow your own intuition.
Steve Jobs said: “If you just sit and observe, you will see how restless your mind is. If you try to calm it, it only makes it worse, but over time, it does calm, and when it does, there’s room to hear more subtle things- that’s when your intuition starts to blossom and you start to see things more clearly and be in the present more.Your mind just slows down, and you see a tremendous expanse in the moment.”
According to his longtime friend, Daniel Kottke, who’d known him since his college days: “Steve is very much Zen.It was a deep influence. You see it in his whole approach of stark, minimalist aesthetics, intense focus.”
Zen influenced Steve Jobs in other ways too – including his appreciation of a minimalist ethic that rubbed off on his insistence that user interfaces and products be as simple as possible.When creating great products like the Macintosh and the original iPod, Jobs talked about having this intuitive knowing when something had met this ethic of simplicity and when it could be improved. Although he wasn’t always right, he was right way more often than he was wrong.
Connecting the Dots: One thing leads to another
Of course, it’s not always easy to follow your intuition when it’s telling you something that’s different from what others tell you should “logically” be done. Jobs own life is a good example – ranging from his decision to drop out of Reed to what looked like a very poor investment decision to fund Pixar, a money-losing operation that he bought from George Lucas for $10 million in the eighties, and then continued to fund for years (to the tune of $50 million of his own personal money), until they came out with Toy Story in the nineties and became the landmark success story we know about today.
I think it only happens if you can have confidence in yourself and your own ability to find what’s right for you. Following your intuition often means follow your own path, even if you can’t see exactly where it’s taking you.
Jobs often gave an example from the time when he dropped out of college.He said that once he’d officially dropped out, he could take the classes that he “wanted to take” rather than the ones that “they were requiring him to take”, showing a streak of his habitual disrespect for authority.
He saw a flyers on campus for a calligraphy class, and decided to follow his intuition and take this class, where he learned about proportional fonts, serif vs. non-serif fonts. Jobs would say about this time: “It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can’t capture, and I found it fascinating. None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life.”
Later, when it came time to design the Mac, he insisted that there be “fonts” of different types, rather than the usual stale green fonts that were popular at the time. Again in his own words:
“And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it’s likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do.”
This was perhaps the most important example of what Jobs referred to as “connecting the dots” – when something in your life unexpectedly connects to something at a far later date, but you are completely unaware of the influence it’ll have at the time.
I think that most successful entrepreneurs benefit from “connecting the dots” – bringing together seemingly unconnected experiences into a single whole that somehow is more than the sum of the parts.How do you know? You don’t – you have to have the courage though to follow your intuition.
I’ll end, as I began, with Steve Jobs in his own words from the now famous Stanford speech:
“Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”
What Creates An Intuitive Sale?
I relationship built on trust. When you have established trust and rapport on a soul level, you have created a relationship of trust.
Build a following by adding value to people’s lives everyday, the rest will take care of itself.
The Road Less Traveled…
On my way home from an event a couple of weeks ago I remember telling myself some story like, ” I lost everything” … then I’m not even kidding you something safely hit my windshield with a bang and snapped me out of it! Then I quickly changed my story to, “everything unfolded perfectly so I could let go of what no longer served me and move into more of who I am!
Imagine, perceiving your life from your soul’s perceptive of unconditional love, knowing that you are guided moment by moment and step by step to the divine unfoldment of your life’s purpose, lessons and gifts.
In this video learn how to trust your intuition and move past your fears into greater success!
With Great Love,
Abby Gooch
The Universal Language of Love
“You will want nothing when you realize that you are everything.”
It’s so fascinating sitting here in Old Mexico across from Union Station in Los Angeles, CA. I feel so grateful for the solid upbringing I received of unconditional love to be able to both feel and see this force of love work in action. Life is movement, life is love and connection to everything. Not just some things, but all. To see the beauty by feeling with your heart is the secret to speaking the Universal Language of Love. People feel it, you feel it and it brings a sweet peace that no words can describe.
As I sit here I realize the synchronicity of being here. Not that I wanted to wait an extra two hours before boarding the train, but something told me inside that intuitively I knew I would having lunch with someone board my journey continued. It’s funny I often think that having lunch with someone means sitting across from just one person, but as I sat here alone and watched the interaction between my fellow brothers and sisters of humanity living on this planet at this time, I realized that truly Union Station is the place where we all meet each other at our hearts. I know that it a train station if you read the signs and look through your eyes, but if you ever come here and FEEL through your heart you will discover new eyes, the eyes of your soul looking into your fellow man-woman and seeing how connected we all are.
What connects us and why?
Obliviously the Universal Language of Love spoken through our hearts connects us all together and allows the divine unfoldment of life to occur. Rather than pushing our individual wills and desires, we have to work to together, to honor and respect each other with utmost appreciation and gratitude. We evolve by letting go of judgment and accepting our path as well as others on their path.
Many people say life is a mirror, showing us aspects of ourselves that we may never have even been aware of. Some people remind us of other people and how they played an important role in our lives. For instance, on the plane ride I sat next to a woman who felt very angry that I had somehow touched her (un-benounced to me!) yet regardless their was a vibration of negativity that I struggled to shake off my back. Yet, when I stepped outside minutes later to catch the train and eventually arrive here in this moment that I’m writing to you in, I saw someone who looked very similar to one of my favorite teachers Sonia Choquette. I instantly felt ease and grace reminded that I’m always taken care of and watched out after.
One of the easiest ways that we can express this Universal Language of Love is to simply smile. It transfers such positive energy that can eradicate false personas of fear, doubt and insecurity. This only enter one’s energetic field if they feel a disconnection from their identity of love. This is our true nature, Love represents the light that we were breathed into life as and created from. It is the physical aspect that holds the body together. The breath is life force, movement through us. When we connect to our hearts, we connect to this love and then open the gateways of guidance through our intuition.
A few days ago I met a man who had over- heard that I wrote a book and started up a conversation about it
We are all designed to help each other and work together. Look at babies, once their needs are met they automatically ask you if you want “some” of whatever they have. They want to add value to your lives, just like your heart naturally gives an endless amount of love because it is connected to an endless fountain of Life Force energy. Going to Thailand alone for a month taught me this as well, I was embraced with unconditional love from people I had never met before yet there was a certain knowing and comfort that I was supported. This represented a huge leap in evolutionary advancement into a world of complete kindness, compassion and love. Can you imagine a world like this?
A Mother’s Love
Happy March Everyone!
I hope you all have a wonderful Spring filled with new life force energy bursting a new dream full of love….
After spending an amazing weekend up in Oregon for my birthday weekend I came home to this post on my mother’s website, Look For Signs of Love.
It reads:
Because you are here, the world is more wondrous.
Know that of all the Signs of Love – who you are, your light, brilliance, beauty and unique beingness is the most precious of all.
Last night we celebrated our daughter, Abby’s 30th birthday and somehow, it seemed this year as she begins the third decade of her life, this new chapter called for a sacred splash of color as she boldly left behind the old and stepped into new beginnings.
And so we celebrated in sacred ceremony and remembered.
There’s something that opens and expands our heart when we remember all that we love, precious moments, whispers we alone spoke in the silence of our heart during times we knew only the divine in us could understand – and we felt completely understood.
Love will always bring us back to who we really are. Â All that we are NOT – the inadequacies that we so many times believe that we are, dissolve in the Light of Love.
I wonder why we so fiercely hold onto those false ideas of doubt, smallness, comparison thinking and fear that limit us and hold us back.
We latch on to those ideas and thoughts that spin keeping us in a holding pattern like a whirlpool pulling us in and taking us down…thinking this is who we are, all the while.
Last night sharing our hearts, touching into the core of Love that changes everything into perfection, we saw only gifts of wisdom, strength, courage, joy and great hope. Â Tears, laughter, a bonding together – all are Love.
And so today, as I share my mother’s heart that is filled with a love I really can’t describe, a deep gratitude that I have come to worry less and that I honor my children’s journey and know a little more deeply that no matter what, I can trust – everything will be okay and they are held in the infinite arms of Love eternally.
Abby, I wish for you deep peace, great joy and that you listen to your inner-most heart so that every step is divinely guided, each word is salted in Love that heals wounds and brings out the best in yourself and the best in all you touch, and may the true essence of Love that we all are, come forth in your presence.
I love you darling, more than you will ever know. Â Thank you for gracing our life, for all you’ve taught us, for your contagious laughter your bright and brilliant light, and your heart of love and service.
May Love bless your life, and your Love bless the lives of all you touch.
**and so what does this Indian papadum bread photo have to do with anything? Â It was a spontaneous sign of love served with Abby’s birthday dinner!
loving you,
Isn’t she an amazing writer!!!!
View picture she is talking about at: Â
I feel so blessed to have been raised in such a solid foundation of love. I know this core love that we all share is felt at such a deep level when we take the time to listen to ourselves and receive our intuitive connection.
My gift to you today and every Monday at 12pm PST is Life Force Connection TV- featuring myself and many guests in the works for our show Intuition to Income. View the video below, it was so fun and the Q & A section at the end very engaging!
Enjoy my friends!
LIVE VIDEO REPLAY ABOVE Intuition To Income Monday’s at 12pm PST Click below if you can’t access the video above: |
With Great Love,
Abby Gooch
Let’s Light Up The World With Our Love!
I have discovered that the more I serve others with the gifts I have, the more money I make. What are your unique gifts, talents and skills and how could you use them to make a greater impact on the world at large? Learn how to access the innate wisdom of your intuition to increase your income and make the contribution you know you are here to make. Click on the link following to join me for our Intuition To Income Hangouts on Google every Monday starting March 3rd at 12pm PST and discover your intuition and just how much it supports you!
Plus if you haven’t registered for tomorrow (Tuesday Feb 24th at 12pm PST) Self Healing Through Self Improvement you still can!
Here’s what you will learn:
- How to connect with your inner child through play
- How to connect with your own energy to heal your body
- And how to connect with your intuition of course!
All proceeds go to KIVA. See video below:
2013: A Year of Inspiration |
Your investment of just one dollar can be multiplied to change thousands of lives…
Register here:
Let your love light up the world!
Thank you.
With Great Love,
Abby Gooch
Cradled In The Arms of Love…
I often stare up into the midnight sky when I see a new moon forming, it’s shape in the form of a cradle holding me with all it’s love.
I realize that this is the same love the Universe has for us, just as nature reflects it’s support, so does the Universe hold us and our dreams.
After sharing a deep and heavy childhood experience with my best friend, I came to the realization that life is exactly as it should be, that within that experience there was a star that was born- it was me. My inner light, my Spirit was activated in that moment of challenge. I think so many of us mistake life’s challenges to be punishments rather than gifts or painful experiences rather than lessons.
I still have a lot to learn but I do know one thing for sure. The Spirit of who we are NEVER dies. It’s lives on and thrives in moments of challenges because somehow it knows the truth!
Click Here For the Free Re-Play of Accelerating Your Intuition
How To Let Go of Old Negative Beliefs & Step Into The
How Can I Serve You Better
It’s me yet again!
I know you have been receiving lots of emails from me lately but I promise you there is a reason…
I’m gearing everyone up for what’s coming this Spring and I know that I have to prepare the way for you to truly come into contact with your soul. Most people feel this soul expression as their heart’s desire or deep inspiration to have a better life and share their gifts. We all have it, I believe contribution is essential to fulfillment. We naturally want to give back and serve once we know our needs are met.
One of my favorite sayings in life is, “be the change that you want to see…” My dear friend in Phuket, Thailand reminded me of this by wearing it!

I think so often we want to change the world but we forget it all starts with us. I remember walking down the shoreline of the crystal clear teal waters of Thailand in tears, realizing that I could not make the impact I wanted to on the world until I “saved myself” and deeply fell in love with who I was.
I learned this as a child as well, guess as an adult I just needed to take it to the next level! The turning point was when my heart showed me the ability to go deeper within myself to find the truth and to transform the negative energies of my thoughts, beliefs and perceptions that no longer served me- even if they were realities in my physical environment! This is a skill required to cultivate your intuition. When you turn within and OPEN YOUR HEART wide with a deep HONESTY and willingness to change your situation, YOU WILL.
Some people don’t want to change, they are comfortable where they are and don’t want to rock the boat, but I bet deep down they would tell you something is missing too… unless you are fully expressing yourself without fear then there is always more growth available. And guess what, we are infinite beings so there is always more growth, expansion and potential available! The difference is these people don’t want to do the inner work to change themselves so they change their results, but the good news is those who take the invitation or calling rather to follow their intuition and do what needs to be done on the inside, create external results that are beyond their imagination! I’ve seen it, lived it, and taught it for over ten years…
All this to say, the core of what I teach is to get you in touch with the personal power you have within to shift your energy to both expand and serve others with the brightness of your light.
We have an opportunity every day to shine our light or to hid in the dark.
What do you choose? What areas are you hiding and which ones are already filled with light? Would you agree with me that if you were to bring more light into ALL those areas, that your light would expand to transform your personal and business life to the NEXT LEVEL?
I hope you said YES, if not I guess I have more work to do!
I know the power within you in greater than any past experience, current circumstance or fear that may be holding you back and if you will take my hand into the promise land of your HIGHEST POTENTIAL, YOU WILL FLY!
There are just a few more seats left for our Intuitive Success Coaching Program this spring and if you are tried of hearing about it, I ask you if you will consider asking yourself, what am I resisting about it? Sometimes we resist the very thing we want.
If you were to take my hand and walk through the fire of your resistance what would you discover? Imagine yourself taking me by the hand and walking through your greatest fears and resistances, maybe it’s money, time or an insufficiency you feel about yourself. I promise you that you are enough for this process and YOU WILL SUCCEED as long as you SHOW UP and do the work. There are no short cuts other than the one I’m giving you, and that is to go within and trust what you KNOW.
Would you like to:
Connect with a stream of Life Force energy that supports you to…
- Significantly increase your income
- Greatly improve your relationships
- Be at peace with who you are
- Attract the RESULTS you want
- Serve the world in a MUCH greater capacity
And are ready to let go of…
- Self doubt and limiting beliefs that hold you back
- Fear
- Insecurities
- False perceptions of lack and limitation
- Un- Forgiveness
- And excuses!
Hop on board to the Life Force Connection Team, there are only a few seats left so apply now!
If you are ready to take your life to the next level, then you are in the right place at the right time. Just click on the button above or below to apply and watch your dreams come into full alignment with your reality as you complete the Intuitive Success Coaching Process!
Program includes which includes personal one-on-one coaching with me for one year plus our LIVE in class training where you will be supported in a loving and safe environment to share ALL of who you are!
Thank You & Hugs of Great Love.
Accelerate Your Intuition!
Now, intuition is something we all have and by releasing the blocks and fears that hold us back we can hear what it really wants to tell us!
On this call you will learn how to let go of common fears and blocks that hold people back including:
Discover The Truth of Who Really Are.
Learn how to boost your inner confidence, current career or embark on a new coaching career at: coachingcertification
When you register for the Intuitive Success Coaching Program you will schedule your first coaching session with us and get the intuitive magic working in your life!
Have a fabulous day and if you have any questions are want to learn more please email me at: