Stumbling Upon Abundance…!

After spending a couple of hours marketing our new product, The Miracle of U audio series, I rewarded myself with a walk…ahh the beauty of nature.

As I was walking along with my friend, I literally stumbled upon dozens of pennies that were partially buried in the ground. I started laughing and jumping with glee, “I’m rich, I’m rich!”

I know you are are probably thinking they are only pennies but none the less, it was still money! “I am a money magnet,” some would say!

I was watching just how quickly my thoughts were manifesting that day. I woke up saying:

” I have money. My business is thriving. I am peaceful and calm. All is well in my world. I market to just the right people in just the right way.”

And this is really what happened that day. I found money, received money, business picked up, I felt peaceful and calm…all really was well in my world. My assistant and I were meeting people where ever we went, we seemed to be the “attraction factor,” at least for a couple of hours…or maybe it was the CD set we were holding in our hands!

Do you see how the affirmations I began my day with, became my day? It really is that easy if you believe!

Where are you abundant in your life now?

What would you like to create more of?

Who do you want to be today? Abundantly wealthy?…!

What would that look like….Just let your imagination run wild!

Believing In Yourself

So what does it mean to really believe in yourself? To believe you are the “next best thing!” I think not! Believing in yourself is a humble knowing, a connection to Source that understands and trusts the flow of the Universe, believing that all things are working together for your good. That no one outside yourself can make you successful, powerful, happy, sad or even mad. That it is really up to you…

Isn’t that empowering to know that everything is your creation and you can choose something in the moment, or not?…!

Whatever you focus on expands, that is the truth. If you take a complete look at your magnificence and really see just how amazing you are, I can promise you that your confidence will laugh away anything that could possibly disturb your peace.

What are you good at?

What are three things (you may want to go to ten) that you love about yourself?

What would make you a happier person right now, in this moment?…!

Not Taking Things Personal!

Today I decided that I wouldn’t take things personally anymore, that I was totally responsible for how I felt and that no one could make me feel bad and I didn’t ever have to take on their problems…does that sound familiar to any of you?…!

Having an amazing mother who taught me how to give, love and share, I realized that I needed to start treating myself with the same respect I treated others. To really give to myself, love myself and share my own love with myself.  Wow, what a gift huh?

As I’ve started to love myself more and more everyday, I realize that life is a process and the more we love ourselves, the more we can create and receive. Because we are made in the image and likeness of God, if we don’t love ourselves
( if we hate or deny ourselves) it is hard to connect with flow of love. It’s around us and in us, but our heart is the connecting point and we must be open to receive….

Open to Receive

When someone gives you a gift, you say thank you right? Well it’s the same way with our gifts. God has given us many, it’s our choice to decide how to use them and to open each one as we choose.

What gift have you opened lately? (IE something you have discovered about yourself)

What do you want to know more of about yourself?

What makes your heart sing?

As you receive yourself, you will begin to receive others better.

Just to receive is to live. To give is to achieve happiness. When we give to another we are really giving to ourselves. Without receiving you cannot give. Without receiving you cannot live!

Feeling worthy and valuable

You are worth it! Every penny, every moment, every breath!

Yes it is you you have been waiting for. You are your own Savior as you discover the miracle of you every day you will see yourself clearly and know that you are worth it!

This is true abundance. It starts and ends with YOU!

All My Love,


P.S. The Miracle of U, the book, is being released July 4, 2010. Call us at: 858-531-8434 if you want to be on the list for a copy hot off the press! E-books are available as well.

Catch Up To Love

Been trying to Meditate but having trouble?

When you activate a negative vibration or impulse you make it stronger, move back into love to release it. For example, if you feel anger and act on it, you usually hurt yourself and others. If you feel confusion or irritation and act on that, you get that as a result back. The best thing to do if you find yourself getting caught up in these negative emotions is to MEDITATE!!!! Step back, chill out and relax!!!

Here’s a short recording of the CD…for more complete version you are welcome to visit my site at:

Lots of love,
